Do work that you can be proud of!

Posted by
Nov 9, 2009

In this tough economy that we are all trying desperately to survive, it can sometimes be tempting to just accept the first work at home job that comes along that promises big returns with no work involved. But In the five or more years I have worked from home, I have made the mistake of doing just that. And it has worked out just as you might expect that it would... in other words, it failed! Just like any other "regular" job that you would have outside the home, if you do not put in the work, you will not see results! So when you are searching through the sea of online opportunity, this is something to keep in mind. Any web site that is telling you that you can put forth no money, no time, and no effort and yet make HUGE profits is LYING! Not only that, most people I know would not WANT to get paid to do absolutely nothing even assuming it were possible. People should take pride in the work they do whether it is online or offline.

I have worked from home with several companies over the years. They each had good qualities and bad qualities, just like anything else in life. I am not going to name any names. The purpose of this blog is simply to make you stop and think about what you are doing before you waste time, energy and especially money. You need to make sure that the company you are signing up to to work with has a real opportunity for you. As I said, I made this mistake in the past, and I regret it to this day because I did not get the results I was looking for. Remember, you are not just lucky to be working with them, they are lucky to be working with YOU! You also need to be sure you have the time and effort to put forth. Most home businesses take time to do. In other words, you cannot just assume that you will be able to work for an hour a week from home and bring in a full time salary because it is most likely not going to happen.

In short, you must take the time to search for the right opportunity for YOU. Be sure you know what the company does and is about, and be sure they do not expect you to do anything that you might not otherwise do if you were not so in need of money. I have finally found a company that I have been working with for two years now, and I know exactly what the company expects from me, I have great people to work with, and I am so proud of what I do. In truth, I have not yet seen the financial gains I am looking for, but I still feel proud to work with this company. That doesn't mean that there are not difficult days, but even with those difficult days, I know that I am working with a company I am proud of who has my best interests at heart.

Also, there is alot of differences of opinion about working with a company that expects you to put up a fee upfront. Personally, I have worked with companies who have expected upfront fees and yet they did not really offer much in return. My current company offers both a free option and an option that involves a small start up fee and then a monthly fee.I started out working with this company and not having any monthly fees, but then I upgraded in order to receive extra incentives available to members who wanted to pay the fees, so to me it is worth it. You just have to make sure you understand what the fees are, and what you will receive in exchange, and then you must decide if it is worth it.

In short, with every decision you make regarding your Work At Home experience, just make sure they are decisions you can be proud of and you will be on the road to success!






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