If your product/service/cost is so great why doesn't everyone get it?

Posted by Mitch Lichterman
Nov 5, 2009
That's the question I was asked yesterday by one of the merchants I met through MerchantCircle.  It's a pretty good question.  I think my company has a great product and is offering it at tremendous value. If it's so great why doesn't everyone get it? 

If you are reading this blog maybe you can answer me back?  Why don't you look into my service for your business?  Really, two minutes to get some feedback would be tremendous.

Our company offers merchant services and I'm offering the service at low rates just to build customers. I know just about every business out there has credit card merchant services.  So why don't you let our company try to save you money?  Are you too busy?  The savings would be minimal?  You love your current merchant bank?  Your merchant services is tied to your bank and you would be afraid to switch? 

We also offer eCheck which is significantly cheaper than credit card.  We offering eCheck to clients for 90 days at no cost. Why don't you try billing with eCheck? 

Maybe your company faces similar challenges?  Maybe you don't understand why you aren't building sales at a higher pace?  Here's a forum/post to ask your question and maybe someone will give you some constructive feedback that can help your campaign.

I would love to hear some objections and feedback. Either about my service or your own challanges.  Thank. mitch@autolinkps.com
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