13 proven hacks to increase Twitter followers in 2020 – Part I

Posted by App My Site
Mar 18, 2020

In this world of the mobile revolution, every industry is approaching online app creators to build apps for increasing their user base. From upholding public relations to exercising social media, companies make use of all to promote their mobile app and to stand out in the crowd.

If, however, you think public relations and social media are not the same. You are mistaken. Both the disciplines complement each other.

One of the social media channels, I.e., Twitter is sort of a different platform to manage. Most businesses utilize Twitter’s full suite of marketing tools because the returns can be so meaningful and profitable.

With a good understanding of how twitter ties into both (public relations and social media), it will help you to register exponential growth.

Here, in this post, we will guide you about 13 hacks that will help you increase your Twitter followers. Take the following into account:

1. Understand the purpose of using Twitter

First, you must understand the purpose of using Twitter and what do you want to achieve from it. However, if you are only using it because your competitors are reaping the fruits, you will need to go through deep research.

Establish short and long-term goals and tailor your tweets around them. Like any other marketing activity, you need to be clear about your Twitter goals as they are crucial for your business. Without a clear and transparent goal, your tweets will likely wander off, and you may end up sending the wrong indications to your followers.

Tailor your tweets and profile around feasible goals and outcomes that can be accomplished using Twitter.

2. Customize your profile

Your Twitter profile says a lot about your brand image. Therefore, it should reflect everything about your business. Here are some of the elements you need to consider:

Display image: Your profile’s display image should never be blank. You can either use your company logo or something that directly reflects your brand.

Background image: Your background image should signify your ideal product or service, or something that brings the message of your brand.

Description: You don’t need to play with words here. Use relevant keywords to describe your business, which rings well with the target audience.

Location: Do not get carried away with your address. Keep it simple and straightforward.

3. Hire a social savvy to run your twitter

These days, interns seem to be carrying all the rage about using social media. You can welcome them aboard by allowing them to be a new face of your social media marketing campaign/s.

Value the other crucial aspects of your business like you appreciate the work of interns. It is because there are a few things that must be handled by you only. Here are a few considerations that you should not leave for an intern:

- When your audience connects with a brand, they expect to interact with someone who has been there for many days and not just for a few hours. Interns cannot identify such an audience. It takes an experienced individual to understand the intricate nuances of the industry.

- When the supremacy of your campaign gets passed on from one intern to another, a uniform tone gets lost in the mix. And, your followers might have to suffer unnecessarily.

- Interns must know how to recite the core values of the company when they are translating them into a sound social media strategy.

- You should not put all the weight of your brand’s reputation on an intern’s shoulder. Social media is a medium that demands someone who truly knows how to bear all that power and responsibility.

4. Organize your lists

You can use Twitter Lists to group online users together according to similar interests or characteristics.

While you are making use of social media philosophies, you can conveniently look for people who will respond favorably to your updates and posts. See what these people are tweeting and join in if you wish. Here are a few details that you need to keep in mind:

- Look for individuals you want to group. You can start your search through the search field.

- Once you have found them, go to their Twitter profiles and click on ‘create a list.’ And then fill in the ‘create a new list’ window.

- Specify the name of the list, privacy settings, and description. You can even set privacy to private or public. Depending on the characteristics of people that are being categorized, you can create up to 20 Twitter lists. Then the account of the individual you save will instantly add up to the created list. You can refer to these lists whenever you need something on social media.

- Additionally, you can use Twitter's advanced search to add like-minded prospects and influencers by searching relevant keywords. Once you have added them, you can follow and interact with them regularly.

- Make a list of the hundred most influential people within your space. Add them to a private Twitter list and engage with them daily. You can also use HootSuite to make this process a little easy.

Keep the tone casual and helpful, but not promotional. Understand that building a relationship is more important if you are seeking opportunities to collaborate.

5. Use embeddable tweets as testimonials

Expanding your Twitter conversations help you include more people from your online community.

Embedded tweets would be a great idea to do this. For example, take a tweet or conversation and put it up on your blog or website. You can then share your tweets with a broader audience.

Embedded tweets from your end let your app users or blog readers:

- Share conversations with their own Twitter community by re-tweeting.

- Mark tweets as in a ‘favorite’ section.

- Reply to tweets and join the conversation.

- Follow the tweet author.

- View the tweet author’s Twitter profile.

- Check tweet replies to the conversation.

That way, your users never leave your blog.

Embedded tweets also boast graphic elements that help you draw in users. Here are seven creative ways that you can take advantage of embedded tweets:

1. Add customer comments to the app: Tweets constitute a significant source of customer testimonials. Moreover, embeddable tweets allow you to highlight one tweet at a time without creating an entire list.

2. Share event invitations: If you host business events, you can embed invitation tweets in a blog or even a list of soon to be holding events on your app. Your app users then use the embedded tweet to see the event invitation, share it with their Twitter community, and ask questions if they wish to.

3. Add ideas/opinions to your blogs: Bloggers like including quotes from other folks into their blogs. They do the same with the case of embedded tweets. Embedded tweets let readers establish connections with the author and other contacts on Twitter and jump right into conversations from your blog post.

4. Continue a twitter conversation in your blog: Post a blog, including twitter conversations, to reach out to more folks.

5. Share event comments: Ongoing trade shows and conferences also use a screen displaying Twitter conversations and comments taking place between the attendees. That way, embedded tweets let you capture a few comments and pass them around in a regular blog.

6. Share audience comments: Capture your audience compliments on your products or services and embed them into descriptions of upcoming blogs. Sharing these tweets on your mobile app as testimonials would be the key to success.

7. Add tweet to email signature: Make a sizable impact with your business email signature. This helps you interact with more people.

Wrapping up

By considering these hacks, you can squeeze out the most juice from Twitter. But, at first, you will need to build an app via AppMySite free app maker to be in the game.

Take these five growth hacks to increase your twitter followers and stay tuned with us for discovering the other eight hacks.
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