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Comments (7)
Francis Walsh
WoW! The name is in the Message! Thanks for reading this blog. Check out the Circle * Network news in the latest posting from Francis.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Francis,
You will still get the emails I am sure.
But you will be getting more qualified leads as they will have been able to look at the site first. then come back to you to take you up on your offer if they decide they want to join it.
Francis Walsh
Man, I see the police are cruising through the neighbor hood.
It's the "Revolution Money Exchange"
Please check it out and see if you like the company.
Let me say right now "FOR THE RECORD" that if I see something on my comments that moves me to speak about something I will.
I was sent this opportunity by one of my FRIENDS.
I have a number of them who help me to prgress my affiliate business, and send me new offers that I research and join if I see fit.
Because of how much mon
Shrihari Sawant
What is the payment system is it e-gold or paypal. If site and program work internationally then only I am interested.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Why the secrecy about the name of the program?
This is a definate red flag when I see Ads like this.
Marvin Williams
Sounds like Project Pay Day system.
Indrit Shkodra
where do you Pay? If you pay me at my alertPay account , I join.