Important Update - BMC is Back on Track!

Posted by Not Here
Feb 13, 2008
January marked a rough month for Beginners Marketing Class as we moved towards our official launch to have our site brutally destroyed by some hacker. 

Well we have not allowed this experience to slow us down much and if anything BMC will only grow into a stronger resource and membership community because of it!  We are totally back on track and already have enough invaluable content to choke an elephant! 

We are constantly working to build this into the most dynamic, evolving membership and resource community on the internet, period!  In fact many have already touted the program as the most under-priced asset on the entire internet.   And were just getting started!

What sets us apart from everyone else?

For starters, No Ego's Allowed!  Just people genuinely helping people.

Varied experience and know how to assist you whatever your business is.

Real people who have been in the trenches and actually refuse to leave them.  We're not afraid to get our hands dirty!

No BS or Hype, just good old fashioned hard work and commitment.  We will walk you every step of the way.

Constant and consistant Growth, we refuse to let obstacles get in our way!


February will mark the last month we allow free memberships, it will also be the only month we will have the smoking hot deal on Lifetime Membership's.

No tricks or gimmicks,  we only want people who are either serious about building their business from the ground up or wish to help others do the same.

Starting March 1 2008 we will introduce a low-cost one month trial membership for people to 'test' what we have to offer, at the end of which period they will have the choice to either opt out or continue on this exciting voyage with us.

I encourage you to check us out now before we remove the Free Membership option forever!

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Comments (5)
Jennifer Underwood


Hmmmm...sounds like this site needs sum nomorehackers ;0)

I am back....woo hooo :0D

Feb 15, 2008 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Thank You Both! Cheryl we are Honored to have you there!

Feb 15, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I'm probably going to upgrade down the road a bit, but it is a great way to learn from others. I wish I had more time to spend there!

Feb 13, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

I wish you much success with BMC, Garnet! :)

There are people on the Internet that truly need this program, even if they don't know it yet! :)

The Internet is brimming with excellent opportunities, but the Newbies keep going for the old, played-out Web 1.0 stuff, and they keep getting burned.... Your BMC is in a great position to change the future for a lot of folks.... I wish you the very best in your efforts to promote it, and I hope that you will attract the right people to help you

Feb 13, 2008 Like it
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