Posted by Jennifer Underwood
Oct 16, 2007
Image Do you know your Internet Security tech by name and picture???  Well I do!
Meet Andrea.....ONE of our awesome tech's with Invisus!

Your Total Account Savings:
(See bottom for details)
Hello Jennifer – we just saved you $395.51!

We've completed the initial service setup for your computer. Thanks for letting us serve you! If you are new to INVISUS Direct, welcome to our worldwide family of raving fans!

We look forward to not only saving you money over time, but simplifying your life and eliminating headaches by making your computer hassle free and safe for you. Remember, with your service you have UNLIMITED access to our team of trained technicians. We're here to do it all for you!If anytime in the future your computer starts acting up or giving you problems, simply contact us and we'll get you taken care of.

Below is a summary of the work completed for your service setup:

iCare Service Setup:
  Service Ticket: 37926

Professional Software Programs:


Services Rendered:

Security Checkup: [Deep scan for viruses, spyware, adware, etc. Check/repair Windows security settings, browser security settings, more.]
Other security Software Installation: [Installed other recommended security software.]
Optimized Internet Connection: [Configured your Internet connection to give you the fastest speeds possible.]
Optimized Internet Browsers: [Configured your Internet browsers for faster web surfing.]
Optimized System Performance: [Improved stability, speed and reliability of your computer.]
System Consultation: [Personalized recommendations on system improvements or other general inquiries. ]
Scanned for Rootkits: [0 rootkit(s) found and removed.]
Service Setup:
Malware Removal: [3 ]
Hard Disk Space Recovered: [87.3 MB MB of extra hard drive space made available]
Registry Keys Fixed: [45 registry key(s) fixed]

Notes From Your Technician:

If you have any more questions please feel free to give us a call! Have a great week!
* Subscriber Savings!!

Your savings from this initial service setup:
To get the same level of professional services and software that were included with your service setup, you would have paid $395.51 more anywhere else than what you paid here.

Your total account savings:
With our subscription-based services, we save you money every time you contact us for help. This is the total amount we've saved you on your entire account, including all your computers if you have multiple computers on our service. This is real money you have saved by not having to pay high priced fees for comparable services elsewhere.

Current total savings for all subscribers:
We track every dollar saved for ALL our subscribers and post that number for members of the INVISUS community to see. Not only are we revolutionizing the way you take care of your computer, we're putting an end to high service fees and tech support hassles! It's a true win-win and an unbelievable value!

With your service, our goal is to save you money, free up your time, and simplify your life! If you have any questions about the service that was performed, please call our technical support center and one of our friendly techs will be happy to assist you. Remember, CALL US FIRST! You've got UNLIMITED technical support!

Best regards,

Your Support Team

6 people like it
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Comments (6)
Jennifer Underwood


YEAHHHHHHHH JUNELLE! She is now officially protected by Invisus when she downloads all her software :0)

Oct 18, 2007 Like it
James Parker


What a great blog keep up the good work.

Oct 18, 2007 Like it

Oh stop it with the Excitement already LOL

At least we know it wasn't with Geico LOL

PS Scanning now Got 149 Pests so far and still rolling

PSS Wanna top it it again

Oct 16, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Now, ya'll see why I am so excited :0)

Oct 16, 2007 Like it

Hey my lady

I am duly impressed

Couldn't loan a fellow a couple hundred LOL

Ok now I am going like a good friend to check it out

Meeting Jeunelle over there


Oct 16, 2007 Like it
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