Inch by Inch, Day by Day, Step by Step
Sometimes when we are working
toward a particular end result, things may not move as quickly as we would like
then to move. Also, life can throw in some real curve balls that frustrate us
or thwart our intentions. What can we do at times like that?
Comparing yourself and your
progress, to that of another person, is a trap. Your journey is meant to be
your own unique journey and the lessons you learn along the way are being
presented to you for a particular purpose. Very often, when making comparisons
we are not looking at a true picture. You can count on it that the person you
are observing will also have had many hurdles to jump, and these may not be
evident to you when you see them today.
Overnight success is so often
featured in our media, and more often than not, success is portrayed as
miraculously instant. People who start a new venture based on that premise or
belief are surprised when they are not at their end target before the end of a
few weeks. Losing patience and frustrated, they then jump out of that venture
and into another brand new one, only to find the same thing happening again.
Can you see Federer, Robbins,
Oprah, Woods and others being where they are today if they struggled with that
notion and jumped from one discipline to the next, simply because they saw that
star studded fame and success in their industry was not yet evident after a few
days, weeks and often years?
J. Paul Meyer (considered by
many to be the founder of the self-improvement industry as it exists today)
once said, "Success is the progressive accomplishment of personally
worthwhile long range goals".
One key to knowing that you're
moving in a forward direction is to hold a laser focus on what is working for
you. A great way to do that is by measuring the specific results that were
produced by particular actions that you have taken toward your goal. How else
could you know that something is having the desired impact? List them for
yourself and then start keeping good records.
One of my favorite ways to
regularly remind myself to take my effective actions is to keep handy that list
of actions that I know have worked for me, by adding them into my Motivator
program. The actions that I need to be taking, pop up for me in the corner of
my computer screen at time intervals that I pre-set. You can download your own
free, personal Motivator tool by using the Tell A Friend button at my Forward
Steps Life Coaching site.
A next step is to discover what
has worked for others in your chosen endeavor. Quit reinventing the wheel if
your journey is becoming a struggle. Get yourself a whopper tip from an expert
that could leverage your actions and take your project to a whole new level.
There are so many great online communities where you will find successful
people who are generous with their advice, you will find a few at my list on
ClaimId (Google that word, to its link add a forward slash then my name Thea,
and you will see my list).
When you set your own targets,
make certain that your timelines for these intended results are feasible. If
you generally have 3 new people subscribe to your newsletter each day, then it
is no use setting an initial goal of having 20,000 subscribers at the end of
one year if you currently have 15 subscribers. A more likely goal would be
3,000 at the end of 12 months. You can then go to work on finding ways to
double your subscription rates. In the process of working toward that, you may
then learn enough to play for a much higher target during the following year
and if your goal appears attainable, you will be less discouraged with actions
you are currently taking.
It is important to recognize
that you grow into success and huge results are correlated to huge changes in
yourself and your mindset. The Anthony Robbins during the low period in his
life where he was struggling to pay his bills, over weight and without
direction, is not the same Anthony Robbins you see today on stage. The Roger
Federer who, as a young boy was hitting tennis balls against the wall in the
local club, is not the Federer you see today. Similarly with yourself, if for
example you are a teacher then I am certain you are a different teacher today
than you were in your first three years of that career.
Recognise that true and long
lasting success really could take a decent length of time. Develop your level
of patience plus your skills of observation and communication. As Jack Canfield
suggests, "Every day do five specific things that take you toward your
goal. Change up the five actions regularly and be open to feedback so you know
when you're off course". Lastly, ask yourself if your actions are 'real
actions' toward your desired end result, and remind yourself daily that
external results are not you. They are events, happenings and results, completely
distinct from you as the person who has unique gifts to offer.
© 2007 Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She is editor and publisher of a monthly newsletter and daily Forward Steps, at her life coaching site where you will also find the free 50 Life Power Questions.
Comments (16)
Sue Tamani
Easy Steps to Success Franchise
good post Thea!
James Williams Jr
I enjoyed reading this. Helps me to keep myself focused on the future.
Jennifer Underwood
When I read...or see...'reinventing the wheel'....I scroll down
Who has reinvented the wheel?
Really folks. I do not care about all that...........
Think about the facts......and quit placing blame on SOMEONE BEING SMARTER THAN THE OTHER...........................WHO CARES!!?@!!!
I myself after this week am really sick of it!
Read my blogs.
If not, ? I still wish the best for you!
Ed Dono
Pastor/Dean of Students
Great point! We become mostly what and who we are exposed to.
And that those become the rein in our life steering us according to our interpretation of those things and people!
And we help others to interpret or re-interpret those things in a way that is liberating, positive, acurate, inspiring and highly motivational!
Grace and Peace,
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Great Article Thea, then, everything i read of yours is inspiring.
This article reminds me of the words of the great Charlie "Tremendous" Jones... "...We will still be the same, 10 years from now, Except for the books we read and the people we meet..."
Angela Chen Shui
GREAT article, Thea! Thank you for sharing...
Muriel & Graham Legg...
Make your website mobile friendly
To be successful in any business – there are three things that you have to have:-
Time - Effort - Finance
How much of each, depends upon your goal, and how long you want to take to get
Set yourself three Goals
Once you have set them - then work out how you are going to get there.
In any good program, this is where your sponsor should be there to help
you and prepared to guide you.
Once this is done, then you need to write t
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thank you for your great comments John.
Love good contribution. :)
John Dilbeck
Hi Thea,
Very good article. Thanks for sharing it.
There are so many times that we lose focus or get tired and almost quit that it can become discouraging if we don't have a goal that is important enough for us to dust ourselves off and take another step down the trail to our eventual success.
The points you make about the people we see who are currently enjoying the fruits of their labors are not the same people as the ones who took those first steps is an important observation we should all
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Great that you visited Paladine. Thank you for your kind comments.
Samson Ojo
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thank you Michael.
Michael Brock
Hey Thea,
Awesome post & very informative! Thanks for sharing it with us & have a great, blessed day!
LOL, it's that new "what my friends are doing" feature that let me know "what you were doing"! I think that will be very helpful in getting traffic to your blogs and groups, at least initially =)
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thank you. Wow, you were here quickly and read that fast! I'd only just put it up! :)
Great Encouraging words Thea. I see so many people who want the success but aren't willing to put out any work or time.