Do This, Then Do it Again and Again and Again and ...

Posted by Karen Weir
Jun 30, 2007
Did you ever have a teacher who made you write lines? Or re-write and re-write and re-write spelling words? When you were learning your times tables, how many times did your teacher or parents "drill" you on them?

As tedius as it seems, repetition is the best way to learn. I got an email today from a fellow recalling a teacher who made him stay in at recess and write his name 500 times to help him remember to put his name on his assignments before handing them in. It took him two missed recesses to develop the habit of putting his name in the top right hand corner of every piece of paper he handed in.

Repetition works.  Whatever the skill you are developing, the best way to learn is by repitition.  Little children know this instinctively.  They like to "read" the same books over and over until they are commited to memory.  Learning to play a musical instrument requires going over and over the same scales.  You need to apply the lessons over and over until they are ingrained before you can move on to the next lesson.

The same idea works with re-programming your mind. You cannot simply think positive and see positive results. It is not about "magical thinking" as critics of The Secret have stated. You need to immerse yourself in the study of The Science of Getting Rich. You need to immerse yourself and practise practise practise until thinking and acting in the "certain way" become habit. And when you develop these habits - you will get rich.

When I say you will get rich, I am talking about financial gain, but not only financial. Getting financially rich is the first step, but it is certainly not the only one. Once you have learned how to apply the law of attraction to your financial life, you will know how to apply it to every area, and it will be easier because you are rich.

Financial wealth frees you from stress and worry. It enables you to surround yourself with beauty, to explore your world and to pamper yourself and others. It enables you to give freely and to express yourself fully.

THAT is what getting rich is truly about - expansion. As human beings we are all desirous of expanding, of evolving into something bigger and better. That is the way we were created.

Learn how to create the life you desire, and by doing so, enable others to expand and evolve. This is our purpose in life - increase and expansion.  In order to actually learn and apply conscious creation, or the Law of Attraction, you must immerse yourself in it.  You must listen to the same lessons repeatedly and practise them until they become habit. (Did I already say that?)
Bob Proctor has been teaching the Law of Attraction and its application, for years.  If you want to learn something, learn from someone who has mastered the skill!
In Prosperity!
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Comments (2)
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I agree Candice, great article.

I guess on the flip side, repetition can also be a bad thing. For example working the 40/40/40 plan (Work for 40 hours per week for 40 years then retire on 40% of what you were struggeling to live on when you were working).

The key is finding the business or system worth duplicating and then keep repeating and duplicating your efforts.

Jul 20, 2007 Like it
Candice Hampton


Nice article, Karen as usual and so true.
Candice Hampton

Jul 4, 2007 Like it
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