10 Ways To Say You’re Sorry

Posted by Giftcart .com
Jun 21, 2016
At one point in life, we all have made mistakes. This is natural but what we do after we have made a mistake actually matters. Scientists say that the two key elements to genuinely saying sorry and expressing remorse are – admitting your guilt and promising to repair the damage. After which you are actually supposed to repair the damage.  Sometimes sorry gifts work wonders!

More often than not, a cute or creative way of saying sorry actually comes in handy and you could actually win over the forgiveness of a person. If you are still trying to make amends to a person in your life, then below are the 10 best ways which you could try to say sorry. Moreover, you can also combine sorry gifts with these ideas.

1.       Leave notes at unexpected places

Write up notes saying sorry and stating reasons why you love this particular person. Keeping these notes at places where it is least expected to be found by this person is the best way to say sorry.

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2.       Cook something for the person

Bake their favourite cake and using the icing, write “I am sorry” on top of it. For a person who loves food, this is the best way to apologize. It always doesn’t have to be cake, you just have to write sorry on top it.

Image result for Cook something for the person

3.       Write up a funny poetry

Write a ridiculously funny poem and keep it in a place where the person will definitely see it. When you hear them laughing at your stupid poetry, come out and apologize earnestly! This should do the trick.

4.       Do something special for the person

Buy a nice dress or any cloth which the person likes and leave it on their bed or their closet with an invitation to a nice dinner or a movie. You can always have the dinner inside your house and you don’t have to go outside. Just make it special and at the end of it, you can apologize. Moreover, try giving some sorry gifts, which would make the person happy.

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5.       Break the ice

This one is cute and funny. Buy a bottle of that person’s favourite beer or cold drink. Pack it chilled. And on top of the packet, write a note which says, “Let’s break the ice.” Both metaphorically and literally, you are meaning the same thing.

6.       Customize donuts or cupcakes

Among all the sorry gifts, this one is the sweetest. Place order for customized donuts or cupcakes which say “I AM SORRY” and give it to the person.

Image result for Customize donuts or cupcakes

7.       Use a board

On a chalkboard, write, “ Can we erase this mistake and start over?” and wait for them to erase that apology and forgive you.

8.       Leave a voice recording.

Record a cassette or CD in which you are singing their favorite song and also apologizing to them. This should do the trick.

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9.       Put together a collage.

Make a cute collage of all your photos together and write sorry somewhere in the collage.

10.   Hug it out.

An  honest and heartfelt hug along with chocolates or a cute present always does the trick. Apologize a person while hugging them and they would definitely forgive you.

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