10 Ways to Cope Up with Vitiligo White Patches in India
White spots on skin is a matter of losing confidence for some people. Generally the sufferers face problem in going out and mixing with the society if a patch comes on exposed area. The social significance of vitiligo is much higher and dominate over its medical significance.
In medical terms vitiligo is a disorder only which comes mostly sudden and has no symptoms, pain etc.
Treatment of vitiligo is sometimes time taking but is possible through herbs.
Here are the 10 ways through which one can cope up with vitiligo :
1. First of all the patient should not feel psychological pressure as it may lead to depression which could trigger spread of a white spot.
2. Use of home remedies are completely no in vitiligo. Internet based home remedies are advised on personal experiences and could be fatal.
3. One should know the fact that allopathic treatment has no cure for vitiligo.
4. Allopathic treatment uses corticosteroid and immunomodulators, which provide temporary results only.
5. After stopping allopathic treatment spots can enlarge again covering a larger area than before.
6. Similarly, Homeopathic medicines have the nature to rapidly spread the white spots in the beginning of the treatment.
7. Choice of treatment should be made, considering each facts like spread control, healing etc.
8. Diet restrictions are must for vitiligo. Vitamin c, sour food items have to be avoided in vitiligo, completely.
9. Ayurvedic specialized treatment should be taken which assures spread control with pigmentation over the White spots without any side effects.
10. Permanently healing of spots is only possible through specialist vitiligo treatment.
Ayurhealthline has been treating vitiligo and leucoderma since past 10 years across world and due to its authentic results it has more than 80% success rate in treatment of vitiligo in India and Leucoderma.
In medical terms vitiligo is a disorder only which comes mostly sudden and has no symptoms, pain etc.
Treatment of vitiligo is sometimes time taking but is possible through herbs.
Here are the 10 ways through which one can cope up with vitiligo :
1. First of all the patient should not feel psychological pressure as it may lead to depression which could trigger spread of a white spot.
2. Use of home remedies are completely no in vitiligo. Internet based home remedies are advised on personal experiences and could be fatal.
3. One should know the fact that allopathic treatment has no cure for vitiligo.
4. Allopathic treatment uses corticosteroid and immunomodulators, which provide temporary results only.
5. After stopping allopathic treatment spots can enlarge again covering a larger area than before.
6. Similarly, Homeopathic medicines have the nature to rapidly spread the white spots in the beginning of the treatment.
7. Choice of treatment should be made, considering each facts like spread control, healing etc.
8. Diet restrictions are must for vitiligo. Vitamin c, sour food items have to be avoided in vitiligo, completely.
9. Ayurvedic specialized treatment should be taken which assures spread control with pigmentation over the White spots without any side effects.
10. Permanently healing of spots is only possible through specialist vitiligo treatment.
Ayurhealthline has been treating vitiligo and leucoderma since past 10 years across world and due to its authentic results it has more than 80% success rate in treatment of vitiligo in India and Leucoderma.