10 things to avoid in Pregnancy

Posted by Priya Sharma
May 3, 2017

The unborn baby is the biggest concern of an expectant mother during pregnancy. Expectant mothers tend to take decisions that are in the best interests of their babies. Gynecologists advise mothers to avoid risks that might complicate your pregnancy or adversely affect your baby’s health by being aware of the risk factors.

Let us take a quick glance at the ten single most important things that should be avoided during pregnancy:

  1. Stay away from tobacco smoke – During pregnancy, it is imperative that you do not smoke and stay far as you can from active smokers. Smoking tightens the blood vessels and the placenta is believed to have a plethora of blood vessels responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to your baby. Tobacco smoke would adversely damage your placenta which can stunt your baby’s growth. Other complications include preterm labor, stillbirth and possibilities of miscarriage.
  2. Steer clear of Stress – All of our modern day lives are fraught with stress and pregnancy brings with itself its own amount of stress. But it is best to steer clear of stress as the uterus is susceptible to stress hormones which result in contractions and discomfort that adversely affect the growth of your little one. Stress increases the chances of having a low weight baby or going into preterm labor.
  3. Avoid consumption of caffeine - Caffeine has been intertwined with our present day lives but as an expectant mother, it is best to reduce consumption of caffeine, as it tends to dehydrate you and as a result your body experiences a fall in blood pressure besides increasing chances of experiencing anxiety, heartburn and insomnia.
  4. Avoid Pesticides – Pesticides affect an insect’s nervous system and exposure to pesticide in agricultural areas or gardens must be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy as your baby’s nervous system is still developing.Exposure to pesticides during this time of pregnancy lead to spina bfida. Long and intense exposures to pesticides must be avoided like travelling to malaria areas.
  5. Avoid Alcohol – There is no consensus of what might be a safe limit of alcohol consumption during pregnancy so gynecologists urge their patients to not drink at all. Large amounts of alcohol consumption and binge drinking result in fatality or cause your baby to be born with alcohol foetal syndrome that is often accompanied with poor growth, delays in development, heart and facial defects.
  6. Don’t consume fish that contains mercury – Fish is a nutritious supplement that aids your baby’s growth but fishes that contains mercury like mackerel, swordfish, tuna and tilefish must be avoided as mercury results in the defects of nervous system and brain damage besides affecting language and cognitive skills. It is best to get a list of the foods you can eat from a woman’s doctor.
  7. Do not clean the cat’s litter box – Cats carry toxoplasmosis and this parasite is present most importantly in its faeces. Handling such faeces leaves you exposed to infections in placenta that may result in miscarriage, stillbirth or neurological abnormalitieslike cerebral palsy in the baby. It is best to ask someone else to clean your cat litter during pregnancy months.
  8. Avoid saunas and tanning beds- Saunas are infamous for lowering the blood pressure of your body and decreasing blood supply to your baby. They might result in congenital abnormalities and stretched skin makes way for burns. Certain chemicals like prostaglandins which are released as a result of heat might initiate labour and increase complications.
  9. Avoid OTC and self-prescribed medication – Over the counter medication or self-prescribed medication like Aspirin or Paracetamol might be avoided in the best interest of your baby until approved by a certified doctor.
  10. Avoid consumption of Vitamin A in large quantities – Consumption of large quantities of Vitamin A might result in birth defects of the baby pertaining to its thymus, head, body and face. During pregnancy, your body requires 770 micrograms of vitamin a so one prenatal vitamin suggested by a woman’s doctor or a midwife is sure to help.

It is vital to avoid doing these ten things during your pregnancy to ensure the best health conditions for your little besides paying regular visits to your gynecologist
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