Posted by Priya Sharma
May 25, 2017
The sudden and uncontrollable growth of cells present in the breast, results in the formation of a tumor known as breast cancer. According to oncologists, it usually starts in the lobules cells (milk producing glands), or the ducts. Over a period of time, these cancer cells can spread and adversely affect the nearby healthy functioning organs, spreading as far as the under arm lymph nodes and under the collar bone.

The most common symptom is the feeling of presence of a lump or a mass in the organ. This lump is painless and irregular around the edges and in other cases it is softer and more rounded.

Other symptoms include:

- Dimpling of the skin and irritation.

- Nipple or breast pain.

- Discharge from the nipple (other than milk).

- Thickening, redness, and scaling of the breast and nipple skin.

Depending on the type and stage of the breast cancer different surgeries and treatments are advised to the patients. Surgery and radiation therapy is done in the earlier stages in order to avoid further damage. But before starting any sort of treatment it is important to get some general answers from your oncologists.

Following are a few questions that you need to ask your doctors, and know for sure what kind of a health disease you are dealing with:

1. What are the available treatment options:

The very first thing that needs to be clarified is the type of treatment available for your type and stage of cancer since it varies from stage to stage. Your doctor should be able to explain the future benefits of each available option to you since it will help you understand the treatment well and choose well. You have to make sure to listen carefully to the suggestions made by your doctor but the final decision is up to you.

2. What is the purpose and accuracy of the diagnosis:

Your overall treatment plan will depend on the critical diagnosis of your condition. Tests like MRI scans, Tumor molecular profiling and other factors determine the location of the cancer and the medication that is to be used. It is important for you to know how these diagnosis and treatment options will affect your body.

3. What does the diagnostic tests say?

A proper and full diagnostic test provides you with much needed information like: the origin of the cancer, the size of the tumor, stage of the cancer, and it has spread to other parts of the body or not.

4. What are the side effects of the treatment?

Doctors say that no two people who are undergoing the same type of surgery will experience the same side effects. The side effects solely depend on the type of treatment that the patient is undergoing through. Ask your doctor what kind of side effects you will experience during and post treatment, so that you are mentally prepared for that situation.

5. How will cancer be balanced with my normal life?

It is important that you discuss this with your doctor and healthcare representatives. There are experts available who ensure that you receive the best quality care in a way that works for you and your family.

6. The place of treatment:

Ask your doctor where all your treatments and procedures will take place. If the treatment is going on in one place then it will be less stressful for you.

7. Who will be the people involved in the treatment and care?

A whole team of nurses, oncologist, dietician, and surgical or medical doctors should be available at your disposal, to ensure proper care and support. Make sure you clarify your team with your doctor.

8. Know your doctor’s experience in this field:

You must ask your doctor their experience in treating your particular type of cancer. It is an important question as it restores faith and confidence in the patient’s mind and heart. Get to know how many successful treatments they have achieved in this area. Also, know if they are a board certified specialist or not.

9. How to handle the side effects?

Several types of therapies that are available like – nutrition therapy, oncology, acupuncture etc. makes sure that your unwanted and unruly side effects are taken care of. Be sure that your doctor has a way out for you in case you experience any sort of a side effect.

10. What if it doesn’t work?

It is important that your doctor keeps you informed about every step and status of the treatment. While choosing your experts team, be sure to go for those healthcare representatives who will actively be involved in finding out the most suitable and viable treatment options for you. Asking the right questions will definitely help you understand your condition in a better and intricate manner. Knowing everything about your cancer diagnosis is the first step taken towards the treatment.
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