About our Business


As you grow and I mean in personal self growth.  Your attractor factor does too.  Or as my friend Bijan says  "effortless prosperity"   and it is not about money;   it is about mind. 
You can borrow your up line leaderships vision and work towards manifesting and creating your own personal vision,as you learn, grow and develop.  It takes years of personal brain change and cleaning out the useless self talk to break through with a true belief in self that you can become a multi million dollar income earner!  You can too if you believe it.
The light house is symbolic for pinnacle leaders and they do shine bright, attracting others to investigate.
When a person calls you to ask questions on your business, it is critical that you have  all four belief systems at 100 percent.  They will choose only the best not by size of organization or check,  they choose by the relationship and the trust they have from talking to YOU.  
Do you want your sponsor to be a hobbyist or purpose driven with a vision of the end in mind? 
Are you a hobbyist or are you very clear on the end in mind?
Carole Taylor says
"You are in your own business and you are not in business alone"
She called Mary Jo Duszak aka Freedomspromise  last week while we were on the phone and the reason for this is self development. Mary Jo is in the team actively attending the teleconference calls,  attending weekly meetings,  attending seminars and Carole Taylor heard about her.  Carole Taylor is not Mary Jo's sponsor she is our up line. 
Mary jo is committed on all four beliefs and she shines just like the light house does.
TRUST is huge in this industry. I respect it and love it.
Jimmy the Butcher shared that for the first five years in the industry he did not make any money. Can anyone relate to this?
What did he do?  He read books and worked hard on Jimmy.
Now he shares that he would have to work 500 years as a butcher F.T. to earn what the mlm industry now pays him.   He was a butcher for 40 years and he is wanting to share the prosperity and is full time.
Jimmy says he will not retire until he expires, he is 79 years young.
Does Jimmy have a lot of people praying for him to live a very very very LONG TIME!  You bet he does!   We love Jimmy because he is who he is and gives freely what he knows at weekly meetings,   weekly calls  and this man is so giving.  No one in the industry can deny this. 
When you build a relationship with this person investigating your business and your belief system is 100 percent  they will choose you over a Whale. 
Because they will see the whale in you
What Whales are awesome at is building relationships and finding the solution with you.  Whales are masters at teaching all how to do this too.  If a person investigating your business  chose another person;   it has nothing to do with their money and status.  It has every thing to do with communication, relationship and belief.
You communicated a less than 100 percent belief.
The other person communicated a 100 percent belief in self, product, company, and industry..
Personal Growth is accountable in MLM.
Belief in the product,   Belief in the company,   Belief in the industry,  Belief in self.

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Healthy Dark Chocolate
Apr 27 2008 21:39

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