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Richard Olin
Rindge, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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Jan 4 2008 20:00


Throughout the centuries and into today, silver in various forms has been used to benefit mankind. Some cultures added powdered silver to a newborns first bath as protection against a harsh world. Milk farmers used to use a silver pail to collect milk. The raw milk could remain unrefrigerated for hours without spoiling.


Similarly, our early settlers would often throw silver dollars into their wells or water barrels in order to kill bacteria and keep the water potable. During plagues in Egypt wealthy families gave their children silver spoons to suck on, hence the saying “born with a silver spoon in his mouth.”


The New Silver Solution is a very potent and effective nano-particlate solution that is non-toxic and yet lethal to bacteria, yeast and some viruses. The New Silver Solution is patented and has undergone thousands of tests against some of the deadliest bacteria that exist on the planet and has been proven to easily kill every single bacteria tested.


Numerous tests at major universities and commercial labs like: Kansas State, UC Davis, Brigham Young University, have proven the effectiveness of the product in killing hundreds of strains of bacteria like Staph, Strep, TB, E-coli, Salmonella, a number of yeasts, and even the Anthrax spore.