Register and play free games to help Charities - Apr 23rd 2024 11:47

About our Business

My Name is Tom Bridges. We have a non-profit ministry named Let God Arise Ministries As a full-time volunteer(LGAM a 501c3 outreach mission to our local county, city & federal jails in Montgomery,Alabama) we are responsible in raising our own funds to minister to the inmates. The economy has provided new challenges in our fund-raising programs and we are praying for others who have a heart for missions to join our group and to discuss ways to help each other with online internet programs to meet each others financial needs & to build using God's principles. The Internet has endless opportunities to meet these challenges.This group is for individuals,fraternities,sororities,youth groups,fundraisers,church groups,non-profits,IM,home business,stay @ home mom's,those looking for income. We formed this group to plan,pray,encourage,teach & implement online strategies & with God's guidance & help nothing is impossible. Register and play free games for chance to win BMW:

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SideTick a social network that pays for answers to questions and much more
Mar 15 2010 21:08

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