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The Appetizer Diet Cookie
Jul 7 2007 21:45
The Cookie That’s More Than A Cookie
Bite into an Appetizer Diet® Cookie and the first thing you notice, not surprisingly, is that the taste is delicious. But this is more than just a tasty snack. The Appetizer Diet® Cookie provides all the nutritional support, energy and fullness of traditional ‘sports bars’ with the added benefit of more fiber—which is an essential to weight management, well being, and overall good health.* The Appetizer Diet® Cookie contains both soluble and insoluble fiber.

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), the National Cancer Institute and other organizations, a fiber rich diet offers a variety of benefits. Unfortunately, the American Heart Association estimates that the average adult gets just 15 grams of fiber each day, far short of the recommended 28 to 35. With children, the shortfall is just as pronounced. According to an article in Pediatrics Magazine, the typical dietary intake of children falls well below the recommended “age plus 5” formula.

Selected Benefits of the Appetizer Diet® Cookie:

  • Convenient
  • Nutritionally Balanced with no cholesterol or trans fats
  • Fiber Benefits (elimination and colon health)
  • Benefits of both soy and whey Protein
  • Natural goodness of honey, oats and dates
  • Can provide energy for work, sports or school
  • Provides 13 grams of "net carbohydrates"
  • Uses aluminum-free baking powder
  • Uses Non-GMO ingredients
  • Only 120 calories
  • Natural, chemical free, mineralized, organic pure Brazilian cane sugar
  • 30%-35% of 14 vitamins/minerals
  • Voluntary compliance with "The Competitive Food Guidelines" of "The Alliance for a Healthier Generation"***

Why A High Fiber Cookie?

The Appetizer Diet® incorporates a high fiber cookie for excellent reasons. In addition to the various boosts fiber offers, including proper elimination, bowel cleansing and circulatory benefit, research shows that fiber-rich carbohydrate sources may foster cholesterol within the normal ranges. According to the American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee—reported in a statement titled “The Heathcare Professional”—studies show that LDL cholesterol was impacted by between 10% and 15% with oat and/or psyllium fiber.*

The same study also points out the importance of fiber to gastrointestinal health*, highlighting the correlation between fiber intake and lower mortality rates from all causes.* This report cites research on the positive interaction of fiber and circulatory issues and of fiber and reduced risk of obesity.*

Fiber also has a tendency to make you feel full and thus control your tendency to overeat.* The study also addresses "high-fiber" food intake on glycemic control in diabetic individuals.*

The benefits of fiber include:

  • Better Digestion *
  • Bowel Health *
  • Weight Management *
  • Better Circulation *
  • Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Control*

Oats/Oat Bran: Oat bran is the edible, outermost layer of the oat kernel. Oats are both food and herb. Like whole oats,oatbran contains B complex vitamins, protein, fat, minerals and heart healthy soluble fiber.* Both whole oats and oatbran,when eaten regularly, impact circulatory health.*There are studies that show oats/oat bran impact blood sugar health, immune response and athletic performance( studies show that oats/oat bran favorably alter metabolism and enhance per formance when ingested 45 minutes - 1 hour before prolonged endurance exercise( greater than 2 hours)of moderate intensity.* The FDA allows this claim for products containing at least .75grams of oat/oat bran fiber (although they said the amount of fiber needed to impact cholesterol was about 3 grams per day.

The Appetizer Diet® Cookie contains 3.54 grams of whole oats and .82 grams of oat bran**.) The claim:"Soluble fiber from foods such as oat bran, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.**


More Goodness Inside the Cookie

In addition to fiber, the Appetizer Diet® Cookie provides important nutrients, including 30%-35% of the Daily Value of Vitamins A,C, D, E,B 1, B 2, B 12, Niacin, B 6, Biotin, Zinc, Pantothenic Acid and Iron. It also contains calcium.

The Appetizer Diet® Cookie includes quality protein, too: soy protein isolate is packed with branched-chain amino acids and glutamine, which are both invaluable to sports performance. Soy protein provides health and immune enhancing antioxidants due to its amazing isoflavones and soy impacts heart health.*

Whey protein, another source of protein in the Appetizer Diet® Cookie, is considered excellent for babies, children and pregnant and nursing women (since it contains the same components found as in mother's milk).* For active teens and healthy adults, whey proteins are complete and provide the body with all the essential amino acids. Athletes appreciate whey protein for its branched-chain amino acids, which impact the body's ability to repair and rebuild.*

The Appetizer Diet® Cookie contains expeller pressed Canola Oil, which is high in monounsaturated fats, and includes alphalinoleic acid, a heart-healthy Omega III essential fatty acid. The cookie uses a fat source that is low in saturated fats and avoids hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats.

Naturally Sweet
The Appetizer Diet® Cookie uses organic sugar produced in Brazil from unburned “green cane” grown by the Green Cane Project, the producers of the world’s finest organic sugar cane. They take advantage of the most advanced processing techniques available to produce completely pure, natural sugar, free from the harmful chemicals found in some refined sugars, such as phosphoric acid, sulphur dioxide, preservatives, flocculants, surfactants, bleaching agents or viscosity modifiers.

This organic sugar is non-GMO. It retains most of the mineral content inherent prior to processing, which allows it to be digested and recognized by the body as a food. Of course, organic sugar is still sugar and its intake should be regulated.

Adding to the goodness of the Chocolate Chip Appetizer Diet® Cookies are lots of quality dark chocolate chips that offer great taste and some good nutritional benefits(1). Recent scientific research has shown chocolate to be relatively high in antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals that damage body tissues. Dark chocolate has almost twice the antioxidants of milk chocolate.

How to Use the Appetizer Diet® Cookie

The Appetizer Diet® Cookie is a convenient snack or meal that provides the nutrition, energy and tastiness you crave in this fast-paced world. Eat an Appetizer Diet® Cookie 15-45 minutes before your meal, or combine it with the Appetizer Diet® Shake to provide a nutritious, low calorie (210 calories combined with Vanilla or Strawberry/ 231 calories combined with Chocolate), high fiber (10 grams combined) meal replacement.

This product is made at a facility that processes wheat, tree nuts and peanuts. Together, the Appetizer Diet® shake and cookie can be used to replace one meal.

***Voluntary compliance with these guidelines in no way implies endorsement by The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between The American Heart Association and The William J. Clinton Foundation whose goal it is to, "stop the spread of childhood obesity by the year 2010 and to empower kids to make healthy lifestyle choices."