
Jun 12 2007 07:31
The people running AGLOCO are Stanford MBA's with lots of backing and influence. They ran AllAdvantage in the early days of the internet and paid out over $120 million to its members. The way AGLOCO works is you will allocated a share of the ad revenue profits generated by the company based on the number of hours you and your downline have accumulated. They expect it to be 2 months before they turn a profit, so there is time to build a good team, and accumulate some hours. The goal is to get 10 million members within 2 years and take the company public. Members will receive shares in the company again proportional to the number of hours they have accumulated. It is unlike any other online opportunity, and is far from a fly by night organization. I would be glad to help you generate referrals or answer any questions you may have. Here is the link to sign up. [url][/url]

Jun 12 2007 07:30
This is the newest most unique program I have ever seen and you may never see again. This has it all plus built in advertising so you don’t have too. Even in pre-launch you can make money and a lot of it now. See why everyone is signing up in droves. This may be your once in a life time chance to be first in a program that will sweep the nation. It is to easy and exciting not to succeed. Free life time paid membership for a limited time. No payments and no sale quotas to make money now. Get in now and start making money. Sign up at: [url][/url]

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