Products & Services

Non-core Outsourcing Services:
Apr 10 2012 09:22

To some clients,such as : small-scale company, new company,office.In Daily operations,especially during the opening period,the CEO of the company have to spend a great amount of  time and funds to develop their core business and  market.

Through our company many years of experience in business management. enterprises can entrusted  non-core management to our company. Whether the IT management, financial accounting, company affairs, or legal  services ,. So it is advisible for enterprises to choose our comprehensive outsourcing services instead of employing

    Customers can also be entrepreneurial enterprises, small and medium-sized agencies, non-profit organizations and other units commissioned by my company hosting. then the company focused on their own propaganda,  the market development and the sales target.



1. Run company: company registration, registered capital, business room addressing, preparatory personnel recruitment

2. IT Outsourcing: internal network design and construction, Internet and communication access, web design and maintenance, computer maintenance

3. Financial outsourcing: Deputy accounting, tax returns agent, accounting and report processing, computerized implementation

4. The legal outsourcing: the coordination, represented in court, legal advice

5.Company hosting: administration, personnel, IT, comprehensive financial outsourcing, staff at the scene management ( suitable for offices, Shanghai branch )


Shanghai executive services Co,Ltd has signed  Wujiang government to provide services for multinational talent introduction and provide investment and outsourcing of integrated services to FENHU Economic Development Zone . Shanghai executive services Co,Ltd help  foreign enterprise to find a" precious garden”to reduce the operating cost .

Shanghai executive services Co,Ltd  has provided one-stop integrated services to some large and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing who has been settled or intends to move Wujiang Fen Lake Development Zone:

--more than 1000 square meters of business space rental

--The company opened branche registrations , bank account, socialsecurity in Wujiang

-- The recruitment of new staff, senior talent recruitment

--HR outsourcing, talent dispatch service, group medical plan of employee in wujiang

--Paying income tax

--Corporate image, website design and maintenance

--IT maintenance services ( hardware maintenance, database maintenance, the implementation of ERP engineer to send )