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Invest money online
Jan 26 2012 20:29

Investment opportunities in Europe are part of a successful, diversified portfolio. As financial experts, we identify these projects and guide clients through this process with transparency and convenience.

Each of these businesses, including factories, facilities, restaurants and service companies, is a potential source of income or ownership. In fact, our success with these brands is the result of our proven record, in Europe, as specialists who understand the economic and regulatory guidelines on this region.

Our website enables investors to find, buy or sell, and manage a potentially profitable enterprise. By simplifying the ability to invest online, we also balance the benefits and liabilities of each business, while empowering people to make money in a suitable business.

To learn more about these advantages, please take a moment to create an account on our site. We look forward to helping people in this dynamic economy.

Tags: online investment, invest money, online investing, investing today, investment projects

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UInvest Conference 2012

UInvest Evolution
Featured Investments

Buy a share of it!

Location: Canada, British Columbia
Business: Houseboat rental business in Canada
Period of business activity: 2 years
Price per share: $300
Monthly earnings: $40

Buy a share of it!

Location: Ukraine, Yalta region
Business: Spa Saloons Chain
Period of business activity: 7 years
Price per share: $89
Monthly earnings: $15


Additional Info.

We are changing the way people find suitable investment opportunities by gathering the latest and greatest business ideas in one place and presenting them to people serious about making equity investments. Our easy-to-use online platform is completely free for business angels. We have a wide range of investment opportunities from seed capital for leading edge start-ups to expansion capital for mature businesses. What do we do? The Investment Network is an online portal created to help you find investment opportunities It's easy to register and our service is completely free to investors. Our site offers you access to thousands of targeted business proposals in a wide variety of industry sectors and niches. You can search for investment opportunities on the website and we will email you business summaries that match your investment criteria.