
APSense Business Center (A.B.C)

Products & Services

Mass Video Generator
Mar 6 2013 02:47

Dominate Google Ranks With Videos!
Get Traffic From Sites Like YouTube!
Make Cool Videos That Convert Better!
Randomize Images, Text, Music & FX!
Easy as 1-2-3! Anyone Can Use It.
Don't Need to Have a Website.
Great For Both Online & Offline Business!
Make Money Even Without a Product!
Great for Internet Marketers!
Great for Affiliate Marketers!
Increase Your Traffic and Sales.
2013 Tested! (Panda / Penguin)
Play With an Unfair Advantage!

Frequently Asked

Q: I'm a Newbie. Is MVG for me?

A: Yes! All you need is 20 minutes of your time to know how MVG works.

Q: Does it run on Mac or Linux?

A: No. Software it's for Windows Only.

Q: I never created a video before. Is this a problem?

A: No. It doesn't matter if you never created a single video before.

Q: Does it Generate Big Files?

A: No. MVG allows you to use compressors (codecs), to generate small videos (avi files).

Q: Does MVG Steal & Spin Videos
From Other People?

No. That's not legal (although some video creation tools do that without considering the implications).

MVG creates videos from images / music (that you can download from RF sites), and your content will be 100% yours.

Q: Can I Download Images
From The Web With MVG?

Yes. We have a keyword based function that allows you to download images from different sites (like RF sites) with just 1 click.

Q: Can I Create Videos In Spanish
or In Other Languages?
A: For Sure!

Can I Sell Videos Generated with MVG to other people?

A: Yes. In fact we know that some of our users are making good money with this.

Q: Do you include music and other materials to get started?

A: Yes. We provide different urls from where you can get free music and other materials.

Q: Is this a One Time Payment?
A: Yes. One time Payment.

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Samson A.
Lagos, Nigeria
Someone who has made achievements with something to offer whether they are new ideas, experiences, products or services. View Profile
Business Industry
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Communications
  • Technology
