Products & Services

Multi Clean
Nov 8 2007 03:48
Multi Clean contains an exceptional blend of premium herbal ingredients that are well known for their natural fiber and proven benefits from active compounds. Multi Clean is synergistically formulated to provide natural cleansing and support to the colon, allowing you to experience the true benefits from colon cleansing.

This synergistic formula provides a natural and convenient way to support the body's ability to remove health-robbing toxins and parasites while supporting healthy regular elimination of waste, intestinal pH balance, detoxification of the colon and proper assimilation of nutrients which are all necessary for optimal health and vitality. 

Contains: Psyllium Husk, Flax Seed, Rose Hips, Hibiscus, Black Walnut Hulls, Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm, Guar Gum, Chamomile, Alfalfa Leaf, Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, Lemon Balm, Kelp, Fennel Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Peppermint, Rhubarb Root, Yucca, Clove Seed, Cascara Sagrada, Cayenne, Mullein, Nettles Leaf, Irish Moss, Oat Straw, Horsetail, Blue Vervain, Green Papaya, Blue Violet Leaf, Witch Hazel, Ionic Fulvic Mineral Extract, Amylase, Cellulase, Protease, Lactase, Lipase, Maltase, Bromelain, and Sucrase in a base of Raspberry and Lemon Juice Powders.