Products & Services

Dec 28 2018 12:21

How TestRX Can Help Your Weightlifting

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’ve hit the gym hard for months and the gains are slower. You’re bummed, because you’re barely maintaining the muscle you have. You’ve got less motivation to hit the weights as a result – and you really, truly don’t want to be in the gym at the moment.

Can you relate?

You’ve hit your plateau. This happens to the best of us when we’re weightlifting, and it can really affect your confidence in the gym. Is there a solution? Here’s an idea – take a step back, make a new iPod workout list and try TestRX weightlifting supplement, which boosts testosterone and can help get you back on track.

Weightlifting and Protein Synthesis

Protein is the building block of muscle. Sound familiar? Well, it’s true – muscles occur when your body repairs the microtears in muscular tissue after weightlifting (or resistance training in general). Your body adds extra tissue as a response, to help you adapt to the greater workload.

Protein fuels this process, and testosterone makes protein, in a process called protein synthesis, which makes that protein usable by the body. If you want to get technical, testosterone binds to androgen receptors in muscle cells, which stimulates protein synthesis and gives you bigger pipes.

Most guys tend to lose about 1% of their natural testosterone levels each year after 30, though it can often be more than that. And that’s where TestRX comes into play – it stimulates natural testosterone naturally, and can help you get the body you want without needles or synthetic hormones.