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Otoabasi Umonting
London, United Kingdom
Someone who has made achievements with something to offer whether they are new ideas, experiences, products or services. View Profile

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  • Self Improvement
  • Marketing
  • Internet & eBusiness
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  • Business

Additional Info.

To Steer people on the right path; to help people focus more on positive thoughts, actions and words; to assist people on self improvement; to coach newbies who are serious about making a mark in the industry of Internet/Network Marketing

Products & Services

How To Build A Positve Mindset For Success In MLM (Ebook/Paper Back)
May 5 2011 09:56

This book has been put together to act as a guide for people involved in MLM or any other kind of business, that are willing to change their mindset from negative to positive. The world of MLM/Network Marketing is full of ups and downs, and for anyone (especially newbies) to make head way, they have to be able to focus their minds on the right things. Whenever you feel discouraged or distracted, what do you do? 

Do you give up or leave the important things and do something completely unrelated to your goals? Are you feeling the pinch? Do you feel like you have tried everything and you are not yielding results? Well, there’s no need to worry, all you need to do is persevere; there’s no one that has ever made it in life without a struggle here or there. 

To be able to view things positively even when nothing’s happening is not easy, but it’s doable. Impossibility should be avoided as a plague. Get your copy and digest every page, because there are treasures buried in them. A few things to look out for in this book:


·        How to use the fear of failure to your benefit

·        Why you need to define your purpose

·        How to look beyond the obstacle

·        How to follow the rules in MLM

·        What to program your mind on at all times if you want to succeed.




Michael Fontana (Director at Zip Telecom Ltd; Sheffield, UK) - “I recently purchased a great book written by Otoabasi "How To Build A Positive Mindset For Success In MLM". The book is full of insightful tips for success in this industry. Otoabasi has also helped with other areas of my business and I would recommend his book and getting to know this obviously, skilled man further! Keep up the great work!” December 27, 2010 via linkedin (


Ime Ekaidem (The Redeemed Evangalical Mission – TREM, Upper Clapton, London) Be positive, never give up, hold on fast to your dreams and above all; do something! This book HOW TO BUILD A POSITIVE MIND SET FOR SUCCESS by Oto Umonting is wake-up call for everyone, especially to Christians. God will be responsible for your success when you do something! 2010 via