Products & Services

Martial Arts Home Study Program
Dec 12 2007 12:58

Looking for a Career Change?

Looking for something physical?

Then we have it right here:-

This is the chance to buy a full home study course to train in the semi contact mixed martial art of Vambudo 2.0.

Vambudo 2.0 was founded by Soke Dr Mike Vamplew in 1993 to cover more of a mixed style of martial arts, currently the style is taught in the UK, Nigeria, Wales, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Uganda and also adopted by several police forces internationally.

Our home study course will guide you through all stages to get you up to 1st Degree Black Belt level. On purchasing this course you will receive a membership pack from Golden Phoenix Martial Arts Alliance which comprises: Membership Certificate, style syllabus & license book sent via the mail and then via email attachment video clips of all techniques required for the first belt grading.

Each belt requirement techniques will then be emailed to you at regular intervals in relation to how often you wish to grade and progress through the belts, this will be completely up to you and depend on how quickly you wish to grade through each level how quickly you master the techniques and how much time you are able to put into training.

Once you feel confident with your belt techniques you can film them in the comfort of your own environment and send them via email attachment to us to be graded. If you successfully pass you will be sent belt certification through the post and you will then receive the next set of techniques via email.

Thoughout your learning you will have full support of Golden Phoenix instructors and will receive personal advice and support right the way through your course.

This is a limited offer and an excellent price for Apsense Members £79.99 making a saving of literally hundreds of £'s compared to what would be spent on 3 - 4 years worth of training and grading to reach black belt level and so is a non-refundable fee.

Don't miss this chance to achieve something worthwhile and full of benefits.

Any questions? Please contact me if there's any information you'd like on this remarkable product.


Mike Vamplew
Nottingham, United Kingdom
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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