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uVme Is Building Now!
Dec 13 2007 16:19
uVme Is Building Now!

Hi ,
I have 3 invitations to the uVme Games Beta-Testing
Website to allocate.
Only a small minority have had the privilege of
testing the games and these invites are like gold dust
to get hold of!
You'll be given £20 to play with and you could
win a bottle of champagne as well! I'm looking for
just 3 people next weekend - are you available?"
To be considered for an invite, you must be:
1.    Committed to making a success of the uVme
2.    Prepared to commit to becoming a uVme Associate
    on January 21st.
3.    Prepared to introduce 3 committed Associates
    yourself and help them do the same.
Doing the above is all you need to do to ensure you build
a successful uVme business anyway!
See behind the development scenes:
Your team will grow as they invite their 3 and their invited
invite their 3 etc etc. AND you can do this every week right
up to Jan 21, that's right invite 3 more for the following
weekend and repeat, repeat, repeat! You could then have a
team of hundreds ready to join the business and build. Don't
forget apart from any other bonuses you will receive 100
pounds/dollars or euros INSTANT BONUS for every one
of your personally sponsored active Associates! 
WOW! That's powerful.
If you are prepared to do this, please CONTACT me so that
I can consider you for an invite.
And don't forget that there is NO COST involved!
So, if you're committed to uVme and you REALLY want to
change your financial future in 2008, get in touch quickly.