Products & Services

Hello Oye
Jan 20 2016 05:57
Connect - Select - Say Hello!

Manage and schedule posts with HelloOye! to three social media profiles : Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, in just three steps. Connect your social accounts once, Select where to post and "Say Hello!!!"

HelloOye! App is free for all social network accounts and has over 12 million users.

HelloOye! is the free app for Android to help you manage social media and track social media analytic.

HelloOye allows you to:

* Get your social media accounts feeds with likes and comments.

* Say Hello to your relatives or friends in 5 seconds.

* Publish and share photos to all your social networks from a single click.

* Publish your location to Facebook and Twitter

* Manage your social network accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

* Show you your Nearby Friends, who has made check-in nearby your location.

* Shows you all world famous Trends of Twitter

Twitter: @hello_oye