Products & Services

Phone Burner
Aug 29 2012 12:43

Calling prospects just got 1,000 times easier!

Did you know that 70% of the time you spend calling prospects is WASTED? It’s true. With busy signals, disconnected numbers, phones that just ring forever, and listening to answering machine greetings, most of the time you spend calling prospects, you’re not even talking to ANYONE! Time is our most valuable commodity, and NOW with Phone Burner, you can burn through a list of prospects FASTER and MORE EFFICIENTLY than EVER!

Phone Burner allows you to import a list of leads and the system dials the numbers for you, automatically leaving a recorded message on voice mails, and allowing you to spend your time ONLY talking to people who actually answer…allowing you to call more people FASTER and EASIER than ever before!


Handy E.
Jayapura, Indonesia
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile


Business Industry

  • Marketing
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Finance
  • Business
  • Affiliate Marketing


Additional Info.

AGAIN... Remember, there are OVER 100 MILLION Home Based Business Operators (Network Marketers) in this world and sooner or later THEY WILL need STIFORP.