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FREE Link Building & Website Promotion
Mar 21 2008 09:53
Link Building & Website Promotion with Quassia
Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading
tag-based web directory. What exactly does this mean? It means that
Qassia will change your life.

Good stuff your websites will like...
At Qassia, you can add your websites for free, and without having to
add reciprocal backlinks. You'll get unlimited quality backlinks (as
opposed to "no-follow" backlinks). You can also add intel. Short for
"intelligence", intel is a tidbit of information. Qassia rewards
who add intel in three ways.
Backlinks You get one backlink for every piece of intel you add.
intel will carry a direct backlink to one of your sites. So the more
intel you add, the more backlinks you get.

Credit When you add intel, you also get credit, in the form of Qassia
dollars. Your net worth in Qassia dollars determines how well your
websites rank in our directory.

Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising
revenue generated by that page. That is not a typo, by the way: we
give you ALL of the gross ad revenue.
This means that website owners have triple incentive to contribute
intel. The contributed intel will allow Qassia to become a vast
repository of intelligence, with unrivaled original content. And a
vast amount of original content draws traffic like honey draws ants.
Inside Intel, rather than Intel Inside
Qassia is sometimes confused with sites like Wikipedia, Squidoo, most
recently, Google knol. Qassia is fundamentally different from these
sites, because Qassia is not about asking people to upload
authoritative articles. You don't need to be an egghead at Qassia.
could upload a lengthy academic treatise if you want, by all means,
but you can also get away with contributing a hastily scribbled
of information about a person, a company, a place, an event, a thing,
or anything you know about.
What we value is intelligence about the people, companies, and places
around you. The people and places do not have to be famous, and the
intelligence does not have to be earth-shattering.

Qassia isn't a wiki. Your intel will not get edited (it will get
rated, but not edited). You can write your intel in any tone or style
you like. You can write in the first person, and you can write your
entire intel without using the shift key.

By asking for less, we receive more
Not only is Qassia 100 percent free - Qassia do not even ask for
reciprocal links - but, in addition to promoting your websites &
discovering stuff, you can also earn real money - very easily and
without any hassle. Qassia have the best, most generous, and most
reliable ad revenue sharing program on the web. So if you're thusly
inclined - and who wouldn't be? - you'll actually get paid for the
effort you put in promoting your websites. No hitch, no catch. Now,
that ain't a sweet deal, we don't know what is.
We believe that, only by completely pampering our users and giving
more than any other website, and in fact giving more than the users
themselves expect, can we attain our goal of becoming the most
incredible website the world has ever seen.

Qassia is a new era
Think of the bits and pieces of intel as the gravel which will fill
the potholes on the information superhighway. While the Wikipedia and
other knowledge repositories are huge, boasting tens of thousands of
articles, less than 1 percent of human knowledge has been uploaded to
the Internet. At Qassia, we are giving users the incentive and the
freedom to add the remaining 99.9 percent.

The vast web of intel created at Qassia will produce more than a
useful intelligence engine. The advent of Qassia is a cataclysmic
event in the history of the Internet. Qassia are redefining the web
experience. Come be part of history and create your free Qassia
account now.

Currently Qassia is in closed Beta stages, Qassia is only accessible
by an invite of a beta member, as it happens i managed to grab my
with an account so know im able to invite any one who wishes to try
out this system, which sounds excellent if it works as well as it

The invitation URL to join Qassia for free is....

How to Promote your website on Qassia

So you've heard the hype and you've signed up at Qassia. Now what?
Promoting your website on Qassia is easy but a little more
than most new users expect. You can add your site, but that's usually
not enough.

So after adding your site, what do you do?

You add intel. Intel is intelligence, i.e. a snippet of information,
sort of like an article or a blog post. The more intel you add, the
better. Adding intel is what Qassia is all about. The more intel you
add, the more credit you will get, in the form of Qassia dollars.
will make your sites rank better in our directory. And for every
you add, you get a backlink - this will be picked up by search
and seen by people who read your intel. Lastly, if your intel gets a
lot of pageviews, it may generate advertising revenue, all of which
goes to you.

So we're agreed that adding lots of intel is good. But what kind of
intel should you add? There are almost no restrictions on the kind of
intel you may add, but if you want to promote your site effectively,
here are some do's and don't's you might want to heed.

What You Should NOT Do:

Do not add intel about your website or product.
New users will typically start off by adding intel about their own
website, in the following vein: This amazing website/product offers
blablabla and has lots of cool stuff and info and blablabla. It was
launched on whenever and gets lots of visitors, and there is some
stuff you will find useful. Check it out! This is basically an
advertisement. An advertisement is a form of information, and
therefore allowed, but it won't help you much.

Do not add poetry, short stories, jokes, or other creative writing.
We allow poetry and short stories and other creative writing because,
technically, it is information. And we do not want to ban poetry
because there is a thin dividing line between opinion, essay, lyrical
writing, and poetry. However, passing your poetry off as intel is not
a good idea if you want to promote your websites effectively, because
most users do not appreciate poetry, and neither do the search

What You SHOULD Do:
Do add information about things you know about.
Add intel about things you know more about than most other people.
example, if you are a black belt in karate, then you probably know
more about karate than most people. Consequently, your intel about
karate is likely to be good and interesting. Or if you are an
ornithologist, then adding intel about birds is a good way to get
going. And so on.

Do add original and previously unpublished material.
You are allowed to add any material, including recycled material, as
long as you are legally allowed to do so. But if you add material
never before published and first published on Qassia, you get more
credit and far more exposure.

Do write quickly.
To be efficient, it is best not to spend a lot of time on each intel.
That means, write about stuff for which the information is already in
your head. You won't need to spend ages looking things up. Typically,
what's in your head is (a) your past experiences, and (b) the
information about the people, places, and companies around you. The
stores in your neighborhood. The people you know. The companies
worked for. That sort of thing. If you have a hard time putting it in
writing, just pretend that Qassia is your best friend and you're
sitting down at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee, spilling the

Do add mundane information.
Do add factual or even boring information that won't necessarily make
an exciting read, but which might eventually prove useful just the
same: sooner or later, someone will search for the information and
land on your intel page. Don't worry if your intel will not get a
grade. Only very well written, professional-grade articles get A's
B's. You can and should aim for those, but the bulk of your intel
be comprised of mundane and humdrum info. Ignore the grade and keep
adding information. Remember, each intel is a backlink.

Click on the URL below to join Qassia for free...


Mark Waite
Cape Town, South Africa
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile
Business Industry
  • Technology
  • Software
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Finance
  • Affiliate Marketing


Additional Info.

Use 1on40's 100% FREE submission service and YOUR site will be NUMBER ONE on Google, Yahoo and 38 other TOP search engines for FREE. Use our search engine submitter once. Experience the revolutionary FREE service and watch your web site shoot to the FIRST result of Google, Yahoo and 38 other TOP search engines in 120 days for your 5 keywords, then pay us (bid) to stay at NUMBER ONE position. YOU try our service, see how it works for yourself without risk. EARN from the results and then finally pay a small fee (bid) to carry on being NUMBER ONE on Google plus 39 other TOP search engines. This FREE offer only exists while we are BETA testing our service. Try it now for FREE before we release the 'paid for service'. Click on the link or copy and paste in your browser's address bar to get your website to be No.1 on Google,Yahoo and 38 other TOP Search engines now!