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FTS Autoresponder Email Series
Oct 6 2016 10:34

Free Autoresponder Email Series

NOTE - Change the contact details to your own
Always Check the links to ensure that they are working.

Freeway To Success Webinar Auto Responder Emails

1) Welcome Intro email


Subject Line:

Welcome to the Million Dollar Webinar Registration...


Hi [[firstname]],


George Holmes here, on behalf of myself and my business partner, Richard Spartveit, we would like to welcome you to our Million Dollar per Year Webinar with this special welcome video email message....



Here are  the Day, Times and link to our weekly webinar.

1) Login 15 minutes before the webinar begins.

2) Bring as many guests as you wish,.


WEBINARS are held Every Tuesday.



GMT - 10pm London

CDT - 5pm

CST - 4pm

EST - 5pm



We look forward to seeing you there [[firstname]].



George and Richard.



When contacting us via Skype or Email please mention

The Million Dollar Webinar.


George Holmes

Skype id: georgieboy628


Richard Spartveit

Skype id: tpcmag

2) email 02


Subject Line:

Webinar Reminder - Million Dollar Per Year Webinar..


Hi [[firstname]],


I hope you made it to our Million Dollar Webinar last Week...

What an impressive turnout it was, what did you think?

We would love to hear your views on our presentation.

 but if you did not make it.....

The details of our Million Dollar Webinar Registration are below....


Here is this weeks Video Email Message for you....


Don't forget you can use these video email messages to show

to people you know.


Solid 8 Year old Successful Company!

4 Businesses under one umbrella!

Low cost the quickly disappears.

We help you build a FAST team that

Follows you through all four businesses! (Instant Profit)

Unique must see system by a World Leader.

No one gets left behind.


Here are  the Day, Times and link to our weekly webinar.

1) Login 15 minutes before the webinar begins.

2) Bring as many guests as you wish,.


WEBINARS are held Every Tuesday.



GMT - 10pm London

CDT - 5pm

CST - 4pm

EST - 5pm



We look forward to seeing you there [[firstname]].



George and Richard.



When contacting us via Skype or Email please mention

The Million Dollar Webinar.


George Holmes

Skype id: georgieboy628


Richard Spartveit

Skype id: tpcmag