Products & Services

Feed Pellet Stabilizer for Sale
Sep 16 2013 22:34
The machine is mainly used after the pelleting step of feed pellets manufacturing process. The pellet that just comes out from pellet mill with temperature as high as 70?90 ? can be kept in the stabilizer bin for a certain time so as to improve the internal texture and nutritive composition of pellets and enhance their ripening degree and water stability. For industrial production of special aquatic feed and high grade feed for domestic animals, our feed pellet stabilizer is indispensable equipment. 

Application of Feed Pellet Stabilizer
  1. It is applicable for the production of special aquatic feed like shrimp feed and high-grade poultry and livestock pellet feed in various feed factories, feed processing enterprises, fish farms, shrimp farms, etc. 
  2. Remarkably improve the pellets stability in water and enhance the pellets ripening degree.