
Products & Services

SEBO 91506GB Automatic X7 Extra Epower Upright Vacuum Cleaner
Jan 25 2019 06:39

The SEBO Automatic X7 Extra Epower range are upright vacuum cleaners of professional quality, performance and reliability that are designed for use in the home.

The Computer Control System optimises performance, ensuring that the brush is always at the correct height for ease of use and long carpet life. It also protects the machine, for example by shutting down the motor if there is a blockage. Other innovative and practical features include cassette style brush roller removal and an integrated wand for extended reach.

Key Features:

·         Free 5 Year Warranty!

·         Automatic X7 ePower Upright Cleaner

·         Bagged

·         890 Watts

·         Weight:7.6kg

·         Computer Control System

·         Cassette Brush

·         S-Class Filtration

·         Pet Hair Cleaning

·         Onboard Tools: Crevice & Upholstery Nozzles

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