About our Business

"My mission is to unleash effortless abundance worldwide, by helping people realise that abundance is their natural state, and that their `limitations' are only in their mind."

I was heavily involved in Rotaract aged 18-33 and became Club President three times and District Chairman of two out of the three districts in Scotland.

I was a Financial Adviser for 17 years and I successfully ran my own Independent Financial Advisory practice in Edinburgh until I decided that my heart was no longer in it, so I closed it during 2006 and instead I chose to concentrate on my new project called "Inspire Scotland 2006".
Unfortunately I cocked up my finances and I went from one extreme to another.  In an effort to clear my feet financially, I have since lost my nice house and car, girlfriend and all of my (fairly substantial) savings.
At times like this, it's hard to remind yourself that 99% of the project was very successful and I did achieve my goal of touching and positvely influencing many lives.

During my time as an IFA, I was Area Chairman of the legal representative body (then called LIA, standing for "Life Insurance Association") and I became a member of MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table).  Apparently only 4% of Financial Advisers in the world are entitled to join MDRT so I was delighted to participate and I met some incredible people including Sir Roger Bannister (world's first 4 minute-mile), Christopher Reeve (Superman), Michael Jordan (and many others).

I can talk authoritatively on many subjects such as; Property, Investments, Motivation, Inspiration, NLP, Hypnotherapy, even Budgie-breeding and my favourite is "limited-belief-busting".

I have been involved in Toastmasters and Public-Speaking Associations and I have spoken on a number of platforms including; Millionaire-Minds, Rotary Leadership Challenges, Time-Mastery, Entrepreneur-training

I like ceroc-dancing, kickboxing (12 years), cycling, ski-ing, windsurfing, sailing, swimming

I was proud founder and Chairman of YES-Scotland 2003-2007.  I also founded the YES-Musketeers; a group of do-gooders, for no recognition, no reason and no rewards.

I have been involved in MANY charity events (and I've been on TV a few times) including; duck-race, toy-balloon-race, santa-deliveries, basket-brigades, european-food-mountain, toughguy, cycling around NZ, Rotary "kids-out"

Personal Development
I have been involved in Personal Development for 20 years now and I've been fortunate enough to have met some incredible leaders and I can count amongst my friends and peer-group (some are also members of Ecademy) amazing characters such as; Tony Robbins, George Zalucki, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Dr. Richard Bandler, Steve Oxlade, Nicola Cairncross, Marcus DeMaria

I created two MASSIVE events"The Largest Inspirational Event Ever To Come To Scotland" in March and October 2006.  My invited guest speakers included; Sir Bob Geldof,Jack Black,Richard Wilkins, Peter Sage, Dr. Topher Morrison,Jason Vale (juicemaster), Miles Hilton-Barber (blind adventurer with 8 world records to his name),Andy Ferguson, Erick Rainey, Caroline McDonagh, Jo Salter(Britains 1st female jet-fighter pilot), Chris Bliss(google "world's best-known juggler"),Nigel RisnerDr David Hamilton,Eric Edmeades,Geoff Bone,Janey Lee Grace,Kayo Anosike, Penny Power,Richard McCann,Richard Wilkins, Dr. Rohan Weerasinghe, Steph Sinton, Stuart Macfarlane,Sue Stockdale, Kenny Harris (Headsurf), Mel Harris,Gina McKie(Clyde 1 fm broadcaster)





Video Highlights

      Highlights 55secs               Testimonials 57secs

  Richard Wilkins 96secs     Sir Bob Geldof 3m 33s

     Chris Bliss
(world's best known juggler)
      4m 15s



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www.gratitude-rocks.com  blog






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