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Jan 19 2008 17:17

"Would You Like To Grab Your Visitors By The Ears, Dazzle Them With Professional Quality, Streaming Web Audio That Makes An Impact, And Watch Your Profits Soar ... You Can Do It, In Just Minutes - With Impact Web Audio!"

I'll show you exactly how you can create professional, streaming web-audio players with just a few clicks of your mouse ... even if you don't know a single line of HTML code, and have never recorded a single audio file in your life!

It is estimated that the average consumer is exposed to more than 3,000 advertisements and commercial messages every single day. If you want to stand out from the crowd, and have any chance of being heard above the noise, you have to make an impact!

Don't let "website scrollers" kill your sales message, and with it, any chance at making the sale. You may not be able to choose what parts of your website your visitors read, but if you're using audio, you can be in complete control of what they hear.

It's time to break the silence, and finally start putting the power of the human voice to work for you.