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90 day Personal Development Program with Executive Coach Steve Toth
Aug 2 2007 01:34
Our 90-day, multimedia personal development program works by simply changing mindsets and habits.  Our program helps people accomplish more than they thought possible, do more than they ever imagined and become more than they dreamed.

"After only two months, I was able to quit the extra job I had taken on when my son went to college. Another month later I quit my day job and am now supporting us both!"-Melanie H, Rochester, NY

Our program employs a very simple philosophy: you have the power to make any change in your life that you want to make. Based on this premise, our founders have constructed a thorough system that works from the inside out. As you alter habits and small details of your daily routine your life begins to change for the better.

"After just a few short weeks, I realized that I was thinking differently. I no longer felt competitive with my coworkers about getting that elusive promotion. Instead, I planned for owning my own company. Now I can't imagine how limited my life would be if I had stayed in that old mindset. "
-Chris H, Lubbock, TX  

This is a 90-day program that consists of an audio program, a workbook, a DVD video, a journaling system, Coach Steve as your accountability partner and much more.
Multi-Disc Audio Program – we'll guide you on a journey through the limits on your life set by your conscious and subconscious mind and shows you how to eliminate them. You will also hear the inspiring stories of dozens of people who have used these techniques to achieve success and change their own lives.

Workbook & Goal-Achieving System – The 102-page workbook picks up where the audio program leaves off. Enlightening lessons enhance your progress. Simple exercises provide personal insight and clarity. The powerful goal-achieving system helps you define your purpose, set inspiring goals and direct you toward them through carefully planned action.

DVD Video – A visual journey further into your personal growth and development including stirring success stories of real  users of our programs who have overcome obstacles to accomplish much more than they had imagined possible.

Journaling System – An essential element of the program, the 90-day journal chronicles your advancement and understanding of the principles and lessons of our program. And, the journaling system helps track your progress and provides a record so that you can always review and repeat your successes.

The program takes you on an inner journey that will result in extraordinary outer growth. As you experience our program and process, you will approach each day positively and proactively. Weight loss, improved financial results, more effective communication or better relationships – whatever you want for your life, the our program shows you how to achieve the results you desire.

"I used to wake up to go to work and live my life in the time that was left. Now I wake up to live my life, and work is something I do to make it better each day."-Roman M, Santa Rosa, CA


Coach Steve Toth
Denver, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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