Products & Services

Pm International Health and Beauty
Apr 29 2008 03:28
Unique position

Patented products with noticeable benefits.

All of us are striving for a life with sustained power into advanced age. We want to look good and appreciate a youthful and natural appearance. PM-International’s products address exactly these basic needs. In doing so, they exhibit immediately recognizable effects and offer lasting benefits.

The basis for such product characteristics is scientific research which is turned into patented solutions and made available by the very latest technology. For example, the unique Nutrient Transport Concept FitLine NTC ensures that active substances are absorbed by the body up to ten times faster and better and as as result, work more effectively. Manufacturing according to the strict, pharmaceutical GMP standard guarantees complete purity and so uncompromising levels of quality.

In other words: products from PM-International are based upon proven scientific discoveries and show noticeable effects that are above reproach.
The products
Nutritional Supplementation

Solid base for more fitness, well-being and beauty.

Scientific studies have revealed that even foods considered healthy, such as fruits and vegetables, do not offer the mineral and vitamin content they used to have 15 years ago. This means, maintaining fitness and power increasingly calls for targeted nutritional supplementation.

The FitLine product range features a unique cell energy concept which supplies the body with exactly the vital elements that contribute to our well-being and good looks. Nutrient deficiencies are avoided and the immune system is lastingly supported. Heart and circulatory functions are strengthened, while the aging process is slowed down considerably. There are even immediately noticeable effects, such as an increase of physical strength, concentration and sexual activity, accompanied by visible signs, such as better skin, hair and nails. This turns FitLine into an essential base of a successful anti-aging strategy. And as such into a solid base for a successful business that offers convincing arguments and noticeable benefits.
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The products

The new dimension of anti-aging skin care.

Our skin tells more about our physical well-being than most of us are aware of. It is a visible aspect of our personality, documents the aging process and reveals the consequences of our lifestyle.

With the Laurent Cristanel Paris product range, PM-International offers a line of premium skin care products with unique characteristics, representing a totally new dimension in the field of anti-aging skin care. Selected natural ingredients take care of highest possible dermatological compatibility. Gentle manufacturing processes guarantee maximum purity and highest quality level. The innovative and patented nutrition transport system NTC with its innovative nano-micellization technology transports nutrients into never before reached depths of the skin.

All this makes Laurent Cristanel Paris a unique skin care series which turns customers into convinced permanent customers.
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The products

Exquisite luxury that is affordable

“Health, fitness and beauty from the inside and out“ is the guiding principle of PM-International. The Pierre Martén Paris product range fits seamlessly into this product philosophy. After all, perfume is a vital aspect of our awareness of life and as such an essential part of our well-being. At the same time, this third pillar of our product strategy meets a lucrative market, representing a sales volume of some 1.5 billion Euro per year in Germany alone.

PM-International purposely does not rely on the traditional distribution channels typical for the perfume market. As a result, neither high profit margins for wholesale or retail nor immense costs for marketing and advertising are incurred. Instead, direct sales allows offering a piece of luxurious living at affordable prices. At the same time, our distribution partners are able to benefit from a huge market potential, which offers an interesting income and opens the way to a new type of self-employment.
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