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MANCHESTER, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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"Finally... This Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, And Everyday 'Average' Guy Revea click here
Mar 27 2014 13:50

Do you make these mistakes
when trying to build muscle...

"Finally... This Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, And Everyday 'Average' Guy Reveals His Proven Secrets For Gaining Muscle MassQuickly And Naturally... Showing You, Step-by-Step, How To Pack On 15, Even 20 Pounds Of Solid Muscle... In Just 9 Short Weeks!"

I went from overweight... to contest shape in just 63 days using the simple, proven techniques you'll learn below. And I guarantee you'll get the same incredible results... faster than you ever thought possible! 

Right here on this webpage, you'll discover the exact same powerfulweight training and nutrition secrets I used to pack on 18 pounds of lean, rock-hard muscle and drop my body fat down to a ripped 5%... withNO expensive supplements or dangerous steroids.

Before Muscle Building Workout ProgramAfter Muscle Building Workout Programsafter muscle building bodybuilding routines
   Shawn LeBrun beforeActual amateur contest photos 63days later. I'm left in both.

Whether you want to compete... or simply look better, feel better, and turn more heads... give me just 2 hours and 45 minutes TOTAL a week and I'll show you, step by step, exactly how to gain more muscle and confidence, lose unwanted fat, and get a lean, muscular body you can feel good about and be proud of -- guaranteed!"Signature for my bodybuilding routine program

Click the "Play" button for a special message:

Dear Friend,

If you would like to build muscle and lose fat in the fastest way possible... so you look better, feel better about yourself, and get noticed more... then this will be the most important message you ever read.

Here's why:

Just like I was doing a few years ago, I can HONESTLY say that almost everyone I see in the gym today is DEAD WRONG in how they train to build muscle and lose fat.

In fact, this may completely shock you, but I guarantee the way you're training rightnow...

Is Cheating You Out Of 90% Of The
Muscle Growth You Should Be Getting!

Not only that, you may be wasting hours of your time and energy each week in the gym because of improper lifting techniques robbing you of the gains you could be making.

But the truth is, knowing this gives you a tremendous advantage. Because you can easily double your muscle gains in half the time you're spending now...

Just by making a few small changes to your routine.

It's true. I was able to gain 18 pounds of powerful muscle and drop my body fat to single digit levels in a short time... once I learned a few simple secrets.

And by using a few of the little-known training techniques you're going to learn in just a minute, you can take your current program and "twist" it so you reach your full genetic potential for packing on dense, rock-hard muscle as fast as possible... and without limit!

So if you're frustrated with spinning your wheels in the gym, not satisfied with the gains you're currently making, keep reading because here's a few of the powerful techniques you'll find below:

  • Learn how 3 simple changes in your nutrition and workout routine will dramatically help you pack on more dense muscle and melt more fat in just 60 days. Lose the love handles and achieve the tightly-defined, rock-hard body you want -- just in time for the beach this summer. Start turning heads when you're around others.

  • Discover a simple but amazing tip I learned that instantly increases the weight on all your lifts -- literally the first day! Crush your previous lifts and spark new muscle growth. Believe it or not, this common-sense technique involves warming up correctly (it's so easy, but almost nobody knows about it!)

  • Discover how using this easy technique, before and after your workout,adds up to 25 lbs. of rock-hard muscle to your body in just 12 weeks. If you're fed up with being scrawny, this little-known technique helps you pack on more muscle. Never be embarrassed taking your shirt off! (it's so simple, it will totally surprise you)

  • Discover the proven rep and set range guaranteed to skyrocket your muscle and strength gains. And it's NOT the ineffective, 3-sets-of-10 you may be doing now. In fact, this one small change in your routine is the SINGLE most important thing you can do to gain muscle and guarantees a killer workout every single time! (Most people do this completely wrong)

  • Learn exactly how often to train. Say good-bye to slaving away for hours in the gym. Slash your training time to less than 3 hours a week and STILL gain more muscle and shed more fat. If you have a busy schedule, stop wasting time in the gym. Now spend it with friends and family...and show off your new lean, muscular physique!

  • Find out the 10 simple exercises you absolutely MUST DO in your routine to get the most muscle gains possible. Build a powerful chest and widen your shoulders with these proven-effective exercises. If you're not doing these, you're losing a ton of solid muscle. Train with deadly-effectiveness and avoid the time-wasters!

  • Discover a simple, sure-fire way to totally eliminate overtraining and plateaus forever. Learn how to blast right through a sticking point quickly. This technique lights a fire under your butt and develops unstoppable motivation, endurance, and energy in the gym so you never hit a training plateau again!

  • Learn the 3 key areas of a workout routine you MUST focus on to achieve maximum muscle gains and serious definition in less time. Feel better, gain more confidence and be more respected. Increase your sex appeal and get noticed by the man or woman of your dreams!

And that's just a sample of the proven and tested muscle-building strategies you'll learn on this page.

By the way, these inside secrets I'm about to reveal to you aren't something you'll discover casually on your own. And I know damn well the supplement and magazine companies won't tell you.

They're closely-guarded because supplement companies can make more money by selling supplements than by showing you how to train correctly.

Now, I completely understand if you're skeptical.

Honestly, I don't blame you because I would be too. I've been in the fitness field for over 7 years now and I've seen a lot of the same hype and outrageous claims you've probably seen. Believe me, there's too many so-called "experts" out there, telling people how to do it wrong.

That's why you need specific, detailed proof that my techniques can deliver on the promises they make.

So I'm going to share with you the successful transformation results from some of my clients following the same exact "no-nonsense" strategies you'll learn on this page.

Like Wes Martin, one of my online students...

Used The Information On This Page
To Gain 24 Pounds Of Pure Muscle Mass!

Wes before and after muscle gain 
"Using your program I was able to transform my body in just 12 weeks. The program is not only designed for adults, but it is successful for teens too! At the age of 17, I gained 24 pounds of muscle thanks to your program" Wes Martin

Aaron Hoberg Used The Techniques On This
Page To Gain 15 Pounds Of Muscle In 8 Weeks!

Aaron before and after using the muscle building programs to build muscle
" I've been doing your program for 8 weeks. I've gained 15 pounds of muscle and lost fat as well, without using any supplements. And I plan on gaining 15 more pounds of muscle and entering a weight lifting competion in march. I'm currently involved in wrestling and have already recieved sponsorship opportunities. Aaron Hoberg

Brian Hensley Used My Secrets To 
Pack On 20 Pounds Of Muscle In Just 4 Weeks!

Brian before and after using the muscle building programs to build muscle
"Shawn, I started your workout plan on Jan 4 as a very skinny 151. I have worked very hard the last month and added muscle growth. On Feb 1, I weighed in at 174. 

Your program not only changed my body but it has changed everything about me. I'm proud to look in the mirror. Its funny b/c my wife is always wanting me to take my shirt off. When I first started my max on Bench was 150, Squat was 175 and I weight 151. As of last Friday I benched 215 and Squatted 300 and weight 176. 

Everyone in the GYM is asking what I'm on and I tell them all to go out and check out your website. Maybe one of these days I will be the one people that others are reading about on someone's site. Again thanks for everything. Brian Hensley, 

Dave Cooper Tried Shawn's Program
... And Changed His Body And His Life!

Dave before and after using the muscle building programs to build muscle
"Shawn, I downloaded your program last year and have been very impressed with your advice and the results I have achieved.

For years but never seemed to get any where, so I searched the internet for some info and that's when I found your site and reading what you had to say made a lot of sense. I wasn't eating properly, taking enough protein, over training too many reps etc.

So I downloaded your program and never looked back :o), I find going to the gym more enjoyable now as i'm only there 30-45 mins which also means I can get there more often too. Thanks again and keep up the good work.Dave Cooper

These are ordinary people, like you and me, achieving extraordinary results...

"Shawn, 3 weeks into the program and things are going well , lost 10 lbs of fat so far. All my lifts are getting stronger, increased my bench by 30 lbs! Not bad for 3 weeks of effort. I reviewed several programs and yours is by far the best... most honest and real."

Paul Rollings, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Westminster, Colorado. 

"Gained 10 Pounds Of Muscle In 5 Weeks"

"After two weeks on your program, I have went from 220lbs to 226lbs and from 16.8% body fat to 15%. I feel better and look better."

Update: "I am still following your training and nutrition program, I am up another 4 lbs (230 lbs from 220 lbs), and my waist is down 2 inches (35" to 33") within 5 weeks."

Ryan Tinker

"Changed His Weight Training Forever"

"I'm in the 6th week of your program and my body is completely transforming. My waist is smaller and tighter and my body weight is up. I have made considerable gains in every area of my body. I am alot stronger already and also alot more muscular! I can't wait for my next workouts now, whereas before I dreaded them! 

Update "Your program has changed the way I see weight training forever. Everyone has noticed a drastic change in me. In January I could only squat 135lbs 8 times. Last week I squated 300lbs. 8 times! I just benched pressed 300lbs on tuesday. Its been a goal of mine for a long time and I finally got it thanks to you and your training methods! I'm 5'11" and 190 lbs all muscle right now. 

When people from work see me out at the mall or a bar in more revealing clothes they all say 'Oh my God, I didn't know you were built like this'. It's very flattering, I definitely have a physique that stands out in a crowd and all this with no steroids!"

Mike M., Canada

"Gained 10 Pounds of Muscle"

"I'm a hard gainer and over the course of the program I gained 10lbs of muscle, my strength increased dramatically and running has become easier because I'm more efficient and stronger so it takes less energy to run now than it did."

Chris Dunagan
Anderson, SC

"Lost 20 Pounds Of Body Fat"

"I lost around 20 lbs of fat and now have muscle I never thought I would ever have. I look 100 percent better and feel great. Your book and workout templates made it easy to go in the gym and not get lost."

Josh Smart 
Indianapolis, IN 

"Gained 15 Pounds Of Muscle"

"In the first 6 weeks I gained 12lbs of muscle and dropped 4% bodyfat just because the style of the workouts were so different than anything I had ever done in the past.

I finished the program having gained a total of 15lbs while losing 10% bodyfat (I'm now at 8%), gaining 40lbs on bench, 90lbs on squat, and 55lbs on powerclean. This program is a must for anyone looking to develop strength, muscle, and definition."

Patrick Thomas
McKinney TX

"Gained 15 Pounds Of Muscle"

"I am 6' tall and 18 years old and gained 15 solid pounds of muscle on the program(150lbs-165lbs). My max on a flat bench went from about 190 to 210. My biceps grew about an inch over the 12 weeks also. "

Alex Sodini
Isla Vista California

"Gained 30 Lbs On Major Lifts"

"I've only been on the program for about three to four weeks now, but I can truthfully say that I have gained 30 lbs on all my major lifts, and that doesn't count the 10-15 lb increase I saw on my first cycle through each lift. 

I literally am increasing my lifts every single week when I go back through the cycle; it's incredible. My body feels much harder and more defined, and I've had many people, including girls, ask me if I was on the juice. That really makes you feel good after all the hard work put in."

Tyler J. Hinton 
Tuscaloosa, AL

"One Of The Best Experiences I've Had"

"I've been weight training seriously for more than 6 years. I've tried it all; read the books and the magazines. Creatine, protein shakes, other supplements. Dozens of different workouts. And even a few 'internet' programs. 

I even spent an incredible week training with a former Mr. Olympia. I can honestly say that the your "Simple Steps" course was easily one of the most effective plans I've ever used. It's all about results. "Simple Steps" gave me better abs than I've ever had; it taught me the 'best' way to warm up and that I was actually stronger than I previously thought. 

Overall, I'd say that a week with a former Mr. O and your Simple Steps program are the two very best muscle building experiences I've ever had."

Ed Smallwood

"Major Strength Increase In One Month"

"I honestly needed a routine that I could trust completely, so that I could run with it, knowing that my efforts would achieve my goals. And it did. Within a month, I was using 50/55 dumbbells for presses, and I had begun with 35's! Similar gains occurred with other exercises. This program is the only way and the correct and quickest way to gain strength and size."

Gina Lewis 
Reidsville, NC

"Amazed At The Results"

I have been using your fitness program for 6 weeks now. I am amazed at the results. I am 45 years old & tired of watching people my age that simply can't enjoy life due to "letting themselves go". 

I've gone from about 115 lb flat bench to a 185 lb flat bench & have no doubt that I will get 200 this next week. I am hyped & expect to continue on as a new way of living. I now have new muscles showing that my wife loves when I flex for her! Your program has changed my life & proof that an old man can get shredded too!!

Matt Bolding

"Gained Muscle While Waist Shrank"

"I've gotten more results with your program than I have in my previous routines. I just wanna say that my waist actually shrank by 2 inches, but my weight still remains at 180! Everything went up. I've gained lean muscle and shed fat, just like you guaranteed. 

Just want to give you props for your info and thank you for helping me work towards my goals. I am so excited and motivated that I actually got my girlfriend and cousin into it and they're getting great results as well!"


So if you're tired of hearing the same marketing hype that's wasting your time, effort, and money, keep reading because I'll prove why you can trust me to help you gain more muscle and get in the best shape of your life... in a lot less time!

Shawn weight lifting

Who I Am And Why
You Should Listen To Me

Hi. My name is Shawn LeBrun and I'm a certified personal trainer from Portland, Maine. I've been an online fitness expert and respected author for over 7 years now. I've written for some of the biggest bodybuilding and fitness sites in the world, including and Hardcore Muscle.

Online, I've had the opportunity to help over 34,435 people worldwide achieve their goals of building muscle and losing fat.

And I put this web page up to make sure you don't waste years in the gym like I once did. What I want to do for you is cut through the B.S. and give you the truth about what it really takes to develop a leaner, tighter physique.

After all, my job as a personal trainer is to help you focus your valuable time on what works to pack on powerful muscle and eliminate stubborn body fat... while steering youaway from what fails to work.

That way, you don't waste hours of your energy in the gym for little -- or even worse --no results.

I'm also a lifetime natural weight lifter. I recently trained for and competed in a drug-free N.A.B.F. bodybuilding contest. So over the years, I've learned from first-hand "in the trenches" experience what it actually takes for real people like you and me to speed up muscle growth and fat loss...

Without Drugs, Without Supplements And
Without Spending Endless Hours In The Gym

But most importantly, I'm a normal person and regular lifter with average genetics. Which means that I'm probably a lot like you... someone who has to work smarter to build muscle.

I wasn't blessed with "muscle-friendly" genes. I'm not a super-star athlete or "pro" bodybuilder that gains muscle and loses fat easily. I can admit it. I'm a regular, every-day normal person.

Here's the story:

Just a few short years ago I was 240 pounds, quite overweight, and not real muscular. That's my picture at the very top.

And just like you may be doing now, I struggled for a long time to gain muscle and lose fat. Yes, I was one of the "blind following the blind". I fell for a lot of hype and spenthundreds of dollars on the "latest-and-greatest" supplements. I also tried all kinds of different routines because the so-called "experts" suckered me into believing that's what I had to do.

But it was one disappointment after another because my "try everything" approachdidn't work. I was wasting a ton of money, murdering myself for hours in the gym... withlittle to no muscle gains to show for it.

It was frustrating, to say the least.

But at the peak of my frustration a few years ago, when I ran out of patience and money,I decided it was time to get smart. And it was then that I learned an important point that changed my training, my body, and my LIFE forever...

If you keep doing the same things, you're going to get the same exact results. When you learn better, you can do better ... when you DO better, you GET better results.

What this means is, you can learn anything you need to learn to achieve anything you want to achieve -- and that includes building a lean, rock-hard physique that makes you feel proud, confident and, well, just plain good about yourself!

How I Discovered The Secrets That
Changed My Body And My Life in 63 Days...

Because I was completely fed up with my lack of results, I became determined to "crack the code" and learn why some people were gaining muscle mass easily, while others like myself were barely getting results.

So I began studying the best all-natural bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, and athletes I could find. I searched for people who already had the muscle mass I wanted too. That way, I could find out how they did it and just do what they did.

And since I wanted nothing to do with steroids, I studied those I knew were 100% natural.

I learned those with the leanest and most muscular physiques were using a lot of the same strategies in their weight training, cardio, and nutrition. More importantly, I began "copying" their success and started using their techniques in my own training.

I literally became a "fitness guinea pig" -- putting each and every tip I learned into practice. And the results blew my mind because I started noticing dramaticimprovements in muscle gains and fat loss in the first two weeks.

As I went along, I wrote everything down. Every technique I learned, every principle I used. Soon, I knew what worked and what didn't. And I was able to develop a simple, "foolproof" muscle-building system based on the little-known techniques I had just learned.

In fact, in just a little over 60 days, I went from an overweight 240 pounds...

To stepping onto a bodybuilding stage for the first time in my life -- at 5% body fat and ripped with new, lean muscle mass!

Those are my actual contest photos above, right next to the picture of me starting out 63 days before. It was at the N.A.B.F. Massachusetts Super Natural, where I placed 5th out of 14 competitors, in 2 different categories.

Now, you may be thinking "So what, you didn't win!" And that's true. 5th place means I got my butt handed to me by 4 other guys. But the thing is...

9 Weeks Before, I Was Overweight
And Completely Out Of Shape

And I used the techniques on this page to crush guys that had been bodybuilding for years! Backstage, I spoke to guys to see how long they'd been training. I got a lot of the same answers... 5 years. 3 years. 10 years. One guy had been training over 20 years!

Now, you may not want to compete in bodybuilding. That's fine. I just want to show you what's possible for you... to open your eyes to the almost unlimited potential available once you learn the simple, proven secrets I used.

And the thing is, you can use this same system... even if you just want to get more looks while on the beach! Maybe you desire more muscle mass or want to solve your problem of being overweight. Perhaps your current program is not as productive as you want it to be.

It doesn't matter what your goals are. You can tap into my knowledge and use this same "results-oriented" approach as a shortcut. Because after just 9 weeks of using the powerful, step-by-step system I'm going to share with you...

  • I gained 18 pounds of lean muscle and my body fat went from 20% to 5%
    So I looked better and felt more attractive. I was more self-confident around others and felt better about myself.

  • I cut my time in the gym from a tiring 6 hours a week to less than 3 total hours a week. I focused on the things that produced results and dropped the rest, or about 3 hours worth. I had more time to do the other things I wanted, like be with my family, focus on my business, or hang out with friends.

  • I saw "six-pack-abs" for the first time since high school! Sure, my abs were there the whole time, but were hiding under a layer of fat! Now I was having a blast showing my ripped abs to jealous friends. Not to mention, my girlfriend found it sexy.

  • My muscle measurements went up, even though my body fat went down.That's because I was losing fat while gaining lean muscle. Because of this, I actually appeared bigger and more muscular, even as I lost fat. For once, I had biceps, calves, and shoulders that people noticed!

  • My strength on all lifts skyrocketed. My bench press went from 265 to 325, alternate dumbbell curls from 60 pounds to 80 pounds, and squats from 365 to 450 pounds, all in 9 weeks. This strength increase is what caused my muscle to increase.

But it didn't stop there.

You see, no one helped me when I first started out... And that really pissed me off. I swore I'd do whatever I could to make it easier for others who wanted to gain muscle and lose fat.

And for some reason, I found hardly anybody using the powerful strategies I had discovered. (That's probably why most guys you see in the gym, despite year after year of hard training, never get much bigger).

So I got certified as a personal trainer, eager to share my "insider" knowledge with others. I worked my way up to head trainer in a top health club and used the same proven techniques I had learned and used on myself to also completely transform my personal training clients.

But I soon realized I was severely limited in the number of people I could help in person. I really wanted a way to share my system with people 24/7. So I took to the internet!

And like I mentioned earlier, since I've been offering this powerful training system online, well over 34,000 people in 68 countries have used it with absolutely astonishing results! So it's been proven to work, time and time again.

And I'm going to show you how these same exact tips can help you gain more muscle and shed more fat in less time.

But first, I want to give you more specific, detailed proof that these techniques will work for anyone that applies them. I'm going to let a few more of the people I've helped tell you in their own words how exciting these strategies have been for them.

"5 Pounds Of Muscle In 2 Weeks"

"Shawn, so far, I've been very impressed with your routine. It's easy to follow and I'm getting better results than I did when I was working out for hours in the gym. After two weeks of working out I've already gained 5 lbs of muscle. That doesn't include whatever fat I've lost.

Update: I weighed barely 190 lbs in February. Just two months later I'm almost 200 and I'm lifting weight I didn't think I'd ever be able to lift."

Jim Inciardi 

"Skyrocketed Bench Press In 1 Week"

"I'm just finishing up my 5th week on your "Simple Steps" program. This is the first training program in my whole life that has made an impact on my physique. I was an overweight weakling my whole life and now through your program I am achieving huge goals.

In the last 5 weeks my workout weights have increase significantly, week by week. My bench press alone went from a struggling 150 lbs. to just 210 lbs. this week."

Isaac Rosete

"Gained 11 Lbs Of Muscle"

"When I Started using this program I was 235lbs with 22.2% body fat. I followed the program for the 12 weeks. I also changed my diet as to what was recommended in the book. 

After the 12 weeks, I had my body stats checked again. I thought that the program hadn't worked as I was still weighed 235lbs. What I found out was that I had actually lost 11 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of lean muscle with a body fat percentage down to 16.4%. 

Friends have commented on how lean I look and noticed my change in size. I have recommened this program to my friends and would also to anyone that would like gain size and lose fat."

Rob D. 
Surrey, England

"Gained Inches On Chest & Arms"

"I went from a struggling 145 to 205 on bench press. I've gained 2 1/2 inches on my chest and 1 1/4 inches on my arms."

Daniel Bergmann 
Albuquerque, NM

"Better Results In 4 Weeks"

"In the last 4 weeks, i've gotten the same strength and muscle gains that i was previous getting every two months. I have added another 18 pounds on all lifts."

Jared Bennett 
Perth, Western Australia

"Lost 10 Pounds Of Fat In 3 Weeks"

"Shawn, 3 weeks into the program and things are going well, lost 10 lbs of fat so far. All my lifts are getting stronger, increased my bench by 30 lbs! Not bad for 3 weeks of effort. I reviewed several programs and yours is by far the best... most honest and real."

Paul Rollings 
Westminster, CO

"Gained Almost An Inch On Arms"

"I've had massive gains and got leaner and stronger beyond belief. My arms got bigger by 3/4 inch in 4 weeks!"

Matthew De Jesus 
Solihull, UK

"Gained 5 lbs. of muscle, lost a ton of fat"

"When I started your program, I was weighing about 196 lbs. I was at around 16 percent body fat. Now I'm 5 lbs. heavier and at 5 percent body fat. What's really improved for me in such a short time is the amount of weight I can lift. To give you an example of my gains in the following: 

Squats Before: 225 lbs. Now: 405 lbs. 
Shoulder Presses Before: 205 lbs. Now: 365 lbs. 
Bench Presses Before: 225 lbs. Now: 315 lbs. 

Before I was spending 5 and 6 days a week at the gym working out 2 to 4 hrs. a day. I was spending way too much time and over training with no results. From A Believer Now"

Ron Sanchez

"First Skeptical... Then Blown Away"

"After much debate, my lifting partner and I decided to try your workout plan with much skepticism. WOW! We were blown away with how much muscle we could add by doing way less sets and reps than we had ever done before. Thanks for making our workouts faster and more productive!"

Walt Tyndall

"Gained 9 lbs. of muscle"

"I've been on the program for 2 and a half weeks and my strengths gains are better than I can ever remember. I was 154 when I started and I am now 163 pounds and still as lean in fact maybe a little leaner than when I started. Every exercise has gone up at least 15 pounds for the same amount of reps! Today was the first time I incline benched since I started the program and I still did 15 pounds more for 5 and a half reps than I could before for 5 reps"

Seth Grace

"Increased muscularity, lost 3 pant sizes"

"I had trained for years with mixed results and forked out hundreds of dollars for supplements. After following your straightforward techniques and sensible nutrition and supplementation guidelines, I have lost 3 pant sizesand dramatically increased my muscularity, while eating more and spending less time in the gym"

Don Davis

"Has gained 35 lbs. after surgery"

"Shawn, on a personal note, about two years ago my appendix ruptured inside of me and I was given a 40% chance of living through surgery. During my weeks of recovery I was put on a liquid diet and as a result I lost about 20 pounds. When I was fully recovered I weighed in at a dismal 105 pounds. In the two years after that I tried everything I knew to gain back the weight, but as I headed off to college I had only gained 5 pounds back. Since reading your information, I have gained 35 pounds (I now weigh 145) and I am well on my way to my goal of 170!"

Brandon Douglas 

"Gained 15 lbs. Of Muscle In 8 Weeks"

"I gained over 15lbs of muscle in the first 8 weeks. I look great, feel great and everything is going great. From a very happy customer!

Jesse McNemar

"Gaining Muscle While Losing Fat"

"I am only starting my 6th week and have kept the same weight while losing body fat. One of my goals is to see my abs again and I am getting close. My bench has increased from 155 (set of 4) to 215 (set of 4) Most importantly I feel great!"

Sean McLaughlin 
Tucson, AZ

"Increase Bench By 55 lbs. "

"I increased about 55lbs on bench press and kept moving up with out plateauing and the more weight i used the more results i saw in muscle gains and fat loss. i started seeing a big difference in the 3rd week. this is truely the best program i have tried by far it made me a believer as it will anybody else that tries this program."

Cody Elliott 
Tallahassee, FL 

But here's what's important: If regular people like my clients and I can achieve amazing results like these ...

There's No Reason You Can't As Well!

I want you thinking "Yeah, I can do this too!"

And the truth is, you can! I'm going to take you by the hand and show you, step-by-step, exactly how I did it and why I think you can too.

In just a moment, I'm going to show you how to use these same "little-known" training secrets to completely transform your body into a rock-hard, muscular physique that demands attention, makes you feel better about yourself, and gets you noticed!

But first, do me a favor.

Take a few minutes and picture this... It's 9 weeks from today and you no longer have an "average" physique. You now have more lean, solid muscle than you've everhad before.

You can hit the beach with a body you're more proud of and more confident with! Walking the sand with your shirt off, having members of the opposite sex admire your muscular build and six-pack abs.

Or 60 days from right now, you no longer have those mushy soft "trouble spots" of unwanted fat covering your abs. So you're no longer embarrassed taking your shirt off.

Because now your waistline is thinner, you're leaner and more tightly-defined than you've ever been. Feeling better and eliminating lower back pain. Looking better so you feel more attractive, sexier, and more outgoing.

Imagine The Thrill Of Having A Body That
Turns Heads And Stands Out In A Crowd!

Maybe it would ignite the passion in your current relationship, making it more special and more romantic. Would increasing your self-esteem and being more confident help you find the love of your life? Or the job of your dreams?

And what if, in only 60 days, you possessed more jaw-dropping power than you've ever had, skyrocketing past your jealous friends and gym buddies in muscle size and strength.

Imagine the respect and admiration they'd give you as you start kicking ass in the gym,crushing their best lifts! No more getting teased for being the "skinny guy" or the "weak one" in the gym. They'll be in awe of you, dying to know your secrets of "how you did it"!

Now, is all of this impossible? Is it a gimmick or some miracle supplement?

Of course not.

It's From Learning How
To Train And Eat Correctly!

Honestly, the main reason why most lifters end up keeping the same old body, year after year is because they never learn the true secrets to building muscle and losing fat. They stay stuck in a rut with the same ineffective program that hasn't been working.

Don't let this happen to you. You'll be in rare company once you finally understand the cutting-edge secrets I'm now going to give you. Let the rest of the lifters go about their foolish ways.

And here's why you have an UNFAIR advantage...

Clearly, the fastest way to gain muscle and lose fat is to copy a method that's alreadybeen proven to work. You need a guide you can use, over and over, to maximize your muscle gains. That way, there's no guess-work at all.

And right now, you can get ALL of my powerful tips and techniques... for a tiny fractionof the price my personal training clients have to pay.

I've taken all the "little-known" training and nutrition secrets I used to gain 18 pounds of lean muscle mass and get down to 5% body fat in 63 days... and condensed them into a killer, information-packed, 139 page ebook.

It's literally a simple, step-by-step muscle-building system you can use as a shortcut to success.

What that means is, if you're not as lean or as muscular as you really want to be, you can learn in one day what took me a lifetime to discover!

Here's My Simple, Proven Method For
Gaining Muscle And Losing Fat... Guaranteed
To "Shortcut" Your Way To Results!

bodybuilding routine  book

As seen in
muscle building program in Flex, Muscle & Fitness, Men's Fitness

Introducing the "Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded" workout and nutrition program!

"Simple Steps" is a 12-week, step-by-step course designed to be the fastest, safest, and easiest way to get the maximum amount of muscle growth you're physiologically capable of.

These explosive techniques, if followed to a "T", can literally force your body into almostunlimited muscle growth. Your most difficult body parts have no other choice but to grow! And the best part is, this "insider tell all" guide is detailed yet very easy to understand.

No hype, no B.S., no gimmicks - just the FACTS you need to pack on muscle and shed fat.

"Simple Steps To Get Huge And Shredded" is broken down into 3 key areas: weight training, cardio, and nutrition.

And it's packed with "do this, then do that" directions, so every time you go to the gym, you'll know exactly what to do to meet your goals. You don't have to think about anything, just follow the simple plan and don't waste time with unimportant stuff.

That way, you have more free time outside the gym and also get better results from the time you spend in the gym.

It Gives You A Clear, Practical Roadmap
For Building Muscle And Losing Fat!

I'm talking about an actual routine you follow, step by step. Exercises, reps, sets, and everything else you need to know in order to gain the most muscle possible from your workouts. There's no guesswork!

I also show you how you must set up your cardio to help you get AND stay lean fast!

Not only that, you'll discover exactly what foods are best for building muscle and losing fat and how to eat them so you're completely in control of your energy levels and muscle-building potential! Discover how to set up your nutrition to increase your metabolism and burn fat around the clock! Lists of food and sample meal plans to follow.

Believe me, there are NO crazy starvation diets you need to follow and NO costly foods or expensive supplements you have to buy. The information in the program shows you how to train correctly and choose healthy meals based upon nutritious, inexpensive food choices.

You know, I poured my heart into this program for one reason only...

To give you a muscle-building and fat-loss instruction manual with the best "straight-from-the-trenches" information on weight training, cardio, and nutrition available... from someone qualified to give you advice.

It's true, this is the exact same information I would have killed for when I started lifting. Learning even one or two of these secrets would have short-cut my own success by... oh... 2 years at least. Probably more. And it sure would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Now, even though it's impossible to list all of the advantages you gain by using the effective strategies in this program, I do want to mention some of the main benefits you'll enjoy:

Here's Just A Small Sample
Of What These Secrets Will Do For You:

  • Discover, once and for all, the so-called "secrets" to gaining muscle mass. Feel more confident, have more pride, and just look damn good! Increase your self-esteem so you can approach people easier. (pages 12-16)

  • Learn the truth about how to lose ugly body fat. Feel sexier, have a body you're proud to show off, and feel better about yourself. Be more confident around members of the opposite sex. (pages 19-21)

  • Eliminate stress and tension caused by work! It's no secret that working out can reduce and relieve neck and back tension caused by stress after a busy work day. Learn the most effective way to work out and get rid of stress!

  • Shrink your waistline and eliminate lower back pain! When you have a "gut", your lower back has to work harder to support you. But when you lose weight, your lower back no longer has to work as hard. So you completely eliminate lower back problems and can now start enjoying activities you couldn't do before!

  • Increase your strength dramatically. Your bench press, squat, and all lifts will go up the first day you learn this one simple secret! What that means for you is, you can be stronger, faster, and more competitive at sports. Become the respected top athlete for your school and sport! (pages 21-25)

  • Learn, once and for all, which is best for building muscle mass: machines or free weights. One may be easier, but one is more effective! (pages 112-116)

  • Discover whether creatine or protein is the real muscle builder. Even though you may read the muscle mags, it's not what you think! (pages 89-90)

  • Find out how to increase the effectiveness of your cardio so you burn MORE calories in LESS time. This simple yet important tip will help you burn off more body fat as a result, which means you get the best results from cardio in minimum time spent.

  • Learn why doing ab exercises like crunches and sit ups will NOT help you get tighter, leaner abs and are giving you zero results for your stomach (you'll be surprised to learn the truth here).

  • Find out a simple technique you can use with your nutrition so you rev up your metabolism and burn fat all day long -- even without aerobics! That means you can literally burn fat around the clock, even while you sleep.

  • Discover what to do right before a cardio session that will literally prevent muscle loss from happening. What that means to you is, you no longer have to lose valuable muscle mass by doing cardio. (pages 116-117)

  • Find out the amount of time you MUST keep your workouts under so you don't overtrain and lose muscle. The truth is -- your testosterone levels decrease after this amount of time and you actually lose muscle mass if you keep training. (pages 11-14)

  • Learn how to have a perfect, intense, killer workout... every single time you step foot in the gym! If you find yourself dreading your workouts, or if you're tired of not seeing the results you want from your time spent in the gym, I'll show you how it's possible to have an incredible workout, each and every time you go to the gym. (pages 41-45)

  • Learn the single-most important thing you can do to gain weight...quality, fat-free muscle weight you don't get by downing nasty weight-gain shakes! Gain more rock-solid muscle mass in less time by doing this one simple thing. (pages 56-58)

  • Learn how a 30-minute window of opportunity, before and after your workout, canadd up to 25 lbs. of muscle to your frame in only 12 weeks. This one simple idea gives you a ton more muscle.

  • Find out exactly how many days to work out each week. One or two days more or less will ruin your best muscle gains! If you're working out too many, you'll cut off a few days, saving you time and getting you better results. (pages 27-29)

  • Learn how to set up your workout routine to be the best use of your time and energy. Gone are the days of working out for hours! Cut the amount of time you spend working out from 6 hours a week to less than 3, getting even better results! That way, you have more time to spend with family, friends, or other loved ones!

  • Learn the best supplements on the market for packing on muscle and melting off fat. Save money and headaches by only using provensupplements like creatine, protein, and a few more I discuss. (pages 112-115)

  • Learn how you MUST take your supplements to get the best results from them. Gain more muscle mass by learning the best times to take your supplements, what to take them with, and how much of them to take (most people are dead wrong about this) (pages 66-68).

  • Learn how to completely eliminate training plateaus and how to get out of one quickly. Overtraining means no muscle gains so learn how to avoid the pitfalls of overtraining. (pages 19-22)

  • Learn the correct way to use your legs when you lift and how a simple little "tweak" in your stance can increase the weight on your bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, and other standing lifts almost instantly! (this is something that 99.9% of people do wrong) (pages 112-114)

  • The embarrassingly minor change you can make to each exercise which doubles or triples each movement's effectiveness. If you're not using this leverage secret, you're not gaining the strength and muscle you could!

  • Learn the one thing you should never, ever do during your reps when weight lifting. If you do this, you're going to lose a ton of potential strength and muscle gains!

With Step-By-Step Detailed Instruction,
You'll Also Learn The Following Powerful Tips:

  • Learn the little-known secrets to naturally increasing your testosterone levels. Program your body to skyrocket testosterone at the right time, every time you work out. Testosterone helps you create powerful new muscle, sends your sex drive through the roof, improves performance, and makes you look and feel younger again. (pages 117-119)

  • Find out which proven exercise will add 1 to 3 inches of muscle to your arms in as little as 6 weeks. Boost your self-esteem by having a bigger, more powerful pair of arms that fill out the sleeves on your t-shirts! (pages 126-127)

  • How to "shock" your muscles into growing faster than they want to! (So you'll blast right through training plateaus for good!)

  • How to fit these simple (yet gain-dense) muscle-building tactics easily into your current routine! (So you don't spend an extra minute in the gym)

  • Learn why the time you allow yourself between sets can have tremendous impact on your size! (Almost no one knows this, but the amount of time you rest for will determine your muscle and strength gains.) (pages 26-30)

  • Discover why doing supersets and pyramid training is literally destroying your muscle gains! Learn the one and only way to set up your weight training if you want to keep gaining muscle mass.

  • Find out what you MUST DO immediately after a workout to speed up the muscle-building process! Skip it and your gains are dead in the water... do it (it takes 30 seconds) and you'll gain a lot more muscle. (pages 64-66)

  • Learn what mass-building foods to eat, how much of them to eat, and when to eat them! Make gaining muscle almost fool-proof by taking all the guesswork out!

  • Learn THE MOST critical times to take protein. You're wasting a ton of money and sacrificing your muscle gains if you're not using protein at these precise, crucial times of the day!

  • Find out the one easy thing you can do during your cardio session that will actually switch it from catabolic (breaks down muscle) activity to anabolic (you gain muscle). (pages 35-38)

  • Discover the absolute best protein, carb, and fat sources and how much to eat of each. Get the right amounts of each and your time in the gym will pay off even more.

  • Learn an easy, step-by-step formula you can use to find your exact calorie needs to gain muscle and lose fat! If you're wrong with your calories, gaining muscle will be impossible and you'll also risk gaining fat. And this formula is based on your specific body type. This way you can eat the right amounts for building muscle and losing fat.

  • Discover the amount of time you MUST rest between sets. Less rest than this will have a negative, long-lasting impact on your muscle gains. (pages 28-29)

  • Learn the two worst mistakes you can make in the gym. Learn how you MUST set up your weight lifting and cardio routine to maximize muscle growth and speed up fat loss. Do them in the wrong order and you'll lose muscle, making your time spent in the gym wasted!

  • Find out the specific number of sets and reps to do in the gym to get the most muscle and strength gains in the shortest amount of time. Again, this ONE small change in your bodybuilding routine will add more muscle mass and increase your strength more than any other change you make (and this is where most people fail). (pages 32-36)

  • Learn the little-known nutrition secrets of guys who get down to single digit body fat levels. Learn how to set up your daily eating for a "get-ripped" diet. Speed up your metabolism and burn fat even while you're sleeping!

  • Find out what you MUST do right before bed so you don't lose muscle tissue while you're sleeping. And I'll give you a hint, it takes all of 30 seconds to do!

  • To get you seeing results ASAP, you'll get the same step-by-step bodybuilding routine and muscle-building program I used to get huge and shredded for my first-ever natural bodybuilding show. 

    It includes the proven exercises I did and the effective number of sets and reps I used. What that means to you is, you can copy my training tactics and secrets for your own needs. Save a ton of time and energy by focusing on what's already proven to work!

And that just scratches the surface of the powerful nutrition and training facts you'll find in this guide.

Believe me, this is not just another book or workout routine. In fact, it's unlike anything you've ever seen before.

For the first time ever, you'll have a proven, step-by-step system that shows you...

Why Your Current Routine Is
Producing Very Little Muscle Gain
And Possibly Even Muscle Loss!

You know, I'm sick and tired of hearing people say that you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time. That's plain bull***t!

The truth is, you can do both at the same time if you follow an intelligent training and nutritional plan. My clients and I are walking, talking examples.

But so many people have such a hard time doing both. It's not their fault, they've just been taught the wrong way. And the truth is, the little-known nutrition and training secrets you'll learn in my program are ones that most people just don't know.

And that leads them to wrongly say you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Look, losing fat and building muscle isn't rocket science. It's just like following a recipe. Add too much of one thing (sets, reps) or not enough of another (rest, protein) the end result is NOT going to be what you want.

Where many people make their first mistake is with their weight training. Now, you already know that heavy weight training is how you build muscle. But what you may NOT know is, you don't need to train for hours a day, seven days a week like they lead you to believe in the magazines.

The truth is, too much exercise is counter-productive! If you work out too often, you don't give your muscles enough time to recuperate and grow from the workout.

Not only that, in the quest to lose fat, some people start to train lighter and use higher reps. And this is the first step in completely...

Murdering The Muscle Building Process!

Muscle growth is stimulated by overload from weight training. Training with lighter weights will NOT increase your fat loss, it will simply reduce the stimulus for your muscles to grow. Less stimulus means less growth. So DO NOT train with more reps and less weight.

That's why it's important my program shows you the proven rep and set range that stimulates strength and muscle development.

Not only that, your cardio must be done in a proper way. (And it's not what you think!) Most people do their cardio wrong and that's why they lose muscle AND fat.

Doing cardio too often (frequency) or for too long (duration) leaves little recovery between workouts. This can lead to a lack of muscle growth and little change in body fat. Unfortunately many people fall into the mind set of "more is better" and because of it, kill their results.

Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle!

There's a correct way to structure cardio into your workouts so that you increase your metabolism and burn body fat faster -- without any compromise on muscle or strength gains.

The main factors to consider when doing cardio are the time of day, the intensity, and the length of your sessions. Each one plays an important role in effectively burning body fat, but not at the sacrifice of losing lean muscle tissue. Do any of these wrong and it's a surefire way to stop all muscle growth.

For example, did you know that doing cardio first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, is a sure way to LOSE muscle mass... and not fat!

Don't worry, I'll show you the proven-effective way to set up your cardio to help you get AND stay lean!

No Gimmicks, Just Honest Advice
That Cuts Through All The Hype

And most importantly, your body needs the proper amount of rest, the right amount of calories, and the right types of food to build muscle after training. This proportion of nutrients plays an absolutely critical role in the process of building muscle and losing fat at the same time.

The primary nutrient responsible for building muscle is protein. You need to make sure that you're supplying yourself with quality protein frequently throughout the day. This will give your body the exact muscle building nutrients you need to pack on muscle with a controlled total calorie amount to help you burn fat.

That's why the most important secret is learning how to eat enough calories to build more muscle, but not so many calories that you gain body fat.

Don't worry, my program shows you when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat in order to keep losing fat, while gaining lean muscle. (I also have a formula in my program to help you establish appropriate nutrient totals for your body weight.)

As you can see, b