Democracy Forges Ahead In Pakistan

Posted by Surinder Singh Darvesh
1253 Pageviews
Democracy is forging ahead in Pakistan. A new victory ia being registerd with each passwing day.It is very heart-warming news from a neighboring country whose citizens has been bowed and mowed down by successive dictatorships.
   We in India generally about the blessings of of democratic system. But the Pakistan Election Commission has taken a such a giant stride forward that it even surpassed India. And therefore it deserves kudos from the whole democratic world.
   It is not disqualifying candidates with bogus degrees and criminal antecedents but also arresting them.All those who have evaded taxes and others who have embezzled public money or have not paid their bank debt are getting befitting and exemplary punishments.
  Voters will not only select canidate of their liking, but a separate provision has been made in the ballot paper for recording their protest if not a single candidate qualifies their criteria.
   This is very beneficial lesson for all democracies, and above all for India.
I congratulate all my APSense friend from Pakistan for their country's democratic advances and appeal all my friends world over to do the same.