What is the Empower Network anyway?

If you don’t already know about the Empower Network, it was founded by David Wood and David Sharpe. Both of these guys have a rags to riches story similar to many, so I was very intrigued by how they were able to pull themselves up through the Empower Network. David was once a broke, homeless guy that lived in a van with his wife.

His partner – David Sharpe – is a former alcoholic that used to work in the construction industry. However, today they are both making 5 to 6 figures every month through this opportunity. In the past 12 months they have paid out $17,000,000 in commissions to over 75,000+ team members.

The Review:

Now, to be honest, the biggest reason I got in was because one of my very close friends was already doing very well with it. I have known them for a while.  They are both 6 figure income earners on-line.

Now I have been a part of network marketing companies before.  And I failed with most.  The biggest issue I kept on running into was not making sales or finding people interested in starting a home business.  My biggest issue was that I only made $2-$20 per sale. It took hundreds of sales before it became anything significant worth investing my time in.

So instead of selling for the affiliate and earning a small percent of the sale, David Wood setup the Empower Network so that I get to keep 100% of every sale.  Now that got my attention because I could actually see this being a viable business.

So I went ahead and paid the 25 bucks to get access to the blogging system.  Now I knew because of their 100% commission structure that all of what I had just paid was going to my friend that brought me in – which was fine with me because otherwise I would not have found out about this opportunity.

What is it like inside the Empower Network?

The Empower Network provides several different products.  The first is the blogging platform and Fast Track training series (which you get access to when you first sign up).  The second is their audio series of interviews with industry experts called the Inner Circle.  Then there is the Costa Rica Intensive and the $15K Formula.
The blogging system and Fast Track training videos.

The blogging system and Fast Track videos provide you with everything you need to start with the Empower Network.  The idea is based around creating quality content, posting that content to your blog and then sharing that content to get visitors to your blog.

The blog is setup instantly when you join.  Most people that are looking for some kind of online income do not know the techy side of setting up a blog so this is a very easy solution.  The blog is already installed and optimized so all you have to do is create content.

The blogging system comes with a series of 8 Fast Track training videos.  They go over everything you need to get started.  They give an in-depth explanation of how and why the blogging platform works.  They also go over some core business principles that will help in your new Empower enterprise.

The blogging system and 8 Fast Track videos is $25 per month.  Again, this is everything you need to get started.
The Inner Circle audio library

The Inner Circle is a library of audios.  The audios feature a lot of good information from industry experts, the Empower Network founders and successful Empower Network team members.
Here is an audio of the Science of Advertising.

I do like the knowledge they provide.  They have given me several key insights into how I can improve my business, not only from a tactical short-term perspective, but also from a longer-term more strategic angle.

I have been a business owner for a few years now and there is one major thing I have learned: in order to have your own success, you have to surround yourself with successful people.

These Inner Circle audios have been a good way for me to get into the mind of already successful people.  They allow me to strengthen my mindset and to also apply some of the principles other successful people have already tested and proven.
The Costa Rica Intensive & $15k Formula

Note: The Coast Rica Intensive and $15K Formula are 2 separate products.

Going through the Costa Rica Intensive and $15K Formula training courses really changed my attitude towards running an online business. The fact that these people in the courses were able to go out and make 4 figures and even 5 figures in as little as 60 days really got me inspired.

You see, what I learned in the Costa Rica Intensive was that I really need to get out there and build more trust with the people that follow me.  Trust takes time to build. Trust is not something that is just given away by people.  You have to first build a relationship and trust will flow from there.

Building a relationship and earning the trust of the online community is the main reason the core of the Empower Network was built around a blogging system. But beyond that they also provide you with everything you need to successfully drive traffic to your blog with the extra training courses.

Now here’s the thing, you can have all the wisdom in the world, the best writing skills and a blog that is full of pure gold but if you don’t know how to promote it and get traffic there it’s all or nothing. And, in my opinion, this is where the business opportunity really shines.

The additional training courses provide just about every internet marketing strategy you can think of all in one place. They have interviews with several experts that are already extremely successful online. These strategies cover everything from paid advertising, social media marketing, SEO, e-mail marketing, blogging and many other marketing channels.

The Costa Rica Intensive is a series of videos that focuses on building a business for the long term.  It is more strategic in nature but there are also some very practical lessons you can apply as soon as you watch them.

The $15K Formula is also a video series but is much more tactical in nature.  Each video provides 2-3 hours worth training on a single marketing channel – there are 9 videos in total.  For example, one video talks about the elements of creating great and useful content for social media.  Another video talks about the specifics of paid advertising – such as how to properly setup a Facebook Ads or Google Adwords campaign while adhering to the respective companies terms of service.

In my opinion, all of the products are extremely well done.  I have been running an online business for a while now and have never seen anything so comprehensive with so many industry experts.  The Founders, Dave and Dave invited to help, put these lessons together are people I was already familiar with and already respected.  Seeing everything put together in an organized, coherent and easy-to-understand way that included specific campaign examples was the icing on the cake.

Join us now: Empower Network

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