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All Article Marketing strategies must be tested and proven before you can be assured that they will work. I have used many different techniques and strategies. Some have worked and others have failed.  I would like to share some of the ones that have worked for me.
First and foremost is to be sure of the reason you are writing the article in the first place. I write articles to market digital products. So with that in mind here is what I think about and try to get accomplished with the article.
Keep the attention of the reader, and here is how I do that.
I NEVER make an article longer than 600 words EVER! Article writing is an art form all of its own. I am not writing a college term paper.I am trying to keep the attention of the reader and give them some sort of information that is usefull to them without giving them the entire answer. After all...I want them to click on the affiliate link in my resource area to get more information.
Even though for some reason the editor that I am using right now will not show this I want to explain the importance of using BOLD and highlighting.
Bolding and highlighting grabs the attention of the eye.That is why I use it...also because it is a proven fact that it works.Think about it...does it happen to you! But do not use this too often as it will make your article seem smeared in appearance. Look at the over all picture of your completed article. Even though it is just words...does it look right to the eye.
Also use bullet points or numbering of stressing important points or benefits...such as
1) Learning new writing techniques is profitable
2) Find ways to make writing articles a breeze
3) Always stay on top of your game by learning the latest techniques
4) Buy a product or join a membership that is specifically designed to help you out in this area
These simple types of writing tactics work! I know because I use them myself.
There is so much more to learn when it comes to using articles.How would you like to know how to re-use articles that you have already written for profit? How about how to get 5 cent PPC ads using article writing strategies.
OR...How about learning how to use another persons article for driving traffic to YOUR website or affiliate link.
These are just some of the topics I will be covering in the future as Article Marketing Is My Specialty.
Stay tuned
Learning how to write articles correctly has always been on the top of my things to do and my things to get better at list. I have recently had an opportunity to see a true "Article Marketing Professional".
I do not know how much you understand the importance of writing articles to drive traffic to your website or affiliate link because I do not know how far along you are in your Internet Marketing skills.So let me just give you one thing to think about that I learned!
I did not know how to use other peoples high ranked articles to drive traffic to my websites
This is amazing stuff and I would not do justice to it here. You have to see this one for yourself.
I only wanted to make it available to you because of its value and because I and your future!

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