Post your Offer, product, website ... advertise what you want to, in front of Thousands of targeted Facebook visitors with this incredible Software: FP GROUPS POSTER - Version 2!

FB Groups Poster

This is what you get:
* Join unlimited open Facebook Groups
* Pick anyone and join their same Facebook groups
Vary the time in between joining each group
Gather all of your groups to post to them
Choose which groups that you want to post to
Post messages to unlimited Facebook Groups
Spin unlimited ad copy messages being posted
Spin unlimited url's to be posted
Join by search term and from a list and by the number of members
Ability to gather open groups and all groups
Being able to post to groups and take a break in between postings
Option to post using multiple photos or a single photo
Remove from open groups and all groups and by selecting the number of members in a group
Disable Notifications for open groups and closed groups by selecting the number of members
Add open, closed, or all groups to a list by search term
Vary the amount of time in between posting to each group to avoid bot detection
Gather group member data by search term or from a list
Bump post back to the very top of the group
Quick setup of software to roll out a group posting campaign.

Here are some of the things that you can do with this software that others cannot
Joining open groups 
Collect and join groups from unlimited Facebook members in any niche 
Captcha solving added when posting to groups 
Ability to hide password 
Vary the time in between joining each group to avoid bot detection 
Vary the amount of time in between posting to each group to avoid bot detection 

Here is what you will need to operate the software
* A Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 (Windows XP Currently Not Supported and Not MAC Compatible Unless You Have Parallels) 
* Microsoft Net Framework 4.5 + or higher installed

You will understand better watching Videos and Images!

So, if this is what you need, Go to: CLICK HERE !!!



If you sell digital products online you are no doubt aware of the two most popular affiliate networks, ClickBank and PayDotCom.

While both of these are great and I highly recommend each of them, today I came across a brand new service that really caught my attention. It's called PaySpree and the reason it caught my attention is that ALL its members get paid for their sales instantly. And they can choose whether to be paid by PayPal, AlertPay or Credit Card.

Even affiliates get paid for their referred sales instantly.

I expect it to become quite a hit as the lure of 'instant commissions'  played a big part in the massive success of products such as 7DollarSecrets and the RapidActionProfits scripts. And PaySpree offers even more than what you get with those.

I've actually come across products for sale that are just lists of affiliate programs that pay instant paypal commission. And I've seen many threads in the various internet marketing forums asking about where to find instant commission affiliate programs. Now there is an entire site and marketplace dedicated to them.

As soon as you become a member you can start promoting any product in the marketplace, and you can add your own products so affiliates can promote them for you. All commission payments are handled automatically by PaySpree, it sounds like a winner to me.

I've just signed up and had a look around the site and it seems pretty simple and non cluttered, check it out at the link below and let me know what you think:

Get backlinks Free Search Engine Submission

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