Coffee is a beverage derived from the type of processing and ekstraks. coffee it self comes from the Arabic : قهوة qahwah which means strength , because the coffee was originally used as a high-energy food . In general , there are two types of coffee beans , the Arabica ( best quality ) and robusta .
Indonesian coffee is one of the best coffee in the world such as Toraja coffee , coffee Sumatra , and Java Coffee.because have flavor,aroma,crema ,and the typical sense.

following a little review
mandailing coffee , this coffee is worldwide with mandhailing name . Arabica coffee was brought to Indonesia by the Dutch in 1699 . Pakantan district is the first area of Arabica coffee plantation in Sumatra Mandailing .
Did you ? Klu coffee and wine / grape  equation ? ...

The equation is not in physical form but the aroma and flavor .
aroma of coffee and wine , each region or country has a distinct aroma it is influenced by temperature , soil moisture , solar intensity , terrain height etc so that every coffee and wine has a distinctive aroma and unique . read more on coffee and wine has some similarities

terms of coffee there are some terms copy include:
1 . Roasted Bean : Coffee beans that have been fried ( roaster )
2 . Green Bean : Green coffee beans (raw ) are ready to be fried
3 . Ground Coffee : Another name for coffee powder
more info click on " terms of coffee "

in Indonesia there are some unique terms regarding coffee , unconsciously we often hear the term like
lanang the Brazilians coffee coffee coffee pearberry ie a single seed , and corn coffee coffee canpuran that we often buy in the traditional market .

for more information please visit guaranteed  will regret and if any advice or constructive criticism so I can Welcome here or on her blog

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