There is no doubt that to have success in online marketing, You must find most profitable ways to bring Your products and services to the customer. Don't You agree? Well, if You ask any of the succesful affiliates, entrepreneurs, online businesses etc. - they will tell You the same. That's why You'll find everywhere in authority resources about internet marketing, that "The Money Is In a List".

What is behind those words?

Let's analyse few things. Many internet marketers are concentrating on free marketing methods. There are many ways: article marketing, social marketing, safelist advertising, traffic exchange marketing ... Many of You are involved in one or more strategies described before and I am 100% sure, that You have noticed, how hard it is to sell products or services in that way. Article marketing requires good writing and SEO skills, social marketing again good social skills, safelist and traffic exchanges steal lots of time and are pretty inefficient. Frankly, the reason why most internet marketers fail or get weak results is, because they send readers or visitors directly through affiliate links to sales pages. So what, ask You me? There are researches made by experts and those researches show, that it takes in average 5-7 aware visits of the customer to the salespage (the customer visits the salespage with own will), before decision is made to purchases the product. This is because people are cautious. When we talk about traffic exchanges, it takes even more time, until You can convince someone to buy Your product.

So what to do about it?

Stop sending Your leads directly to referral pages and salespages. Instead You should concentrate on a task to get the email addresses (or even more personal data, like name, address,phone number) of the potential customers, so You can contact them later and more than once. This is called "List Building".

Just think about it, if You have a database of 1,000 leads and if You manage to sell only to 5% of them, You already get 50 sales. What if Your list grows to 10,000 or even more. Actually in average, email marketing has much higher conversions - over 10%, in some cases even over 30%. Email marketing is considered one of the most effective marketing strategies and that's why successful online marketers, who are earning from 4 to 6 figures monthly, value such lists more the anything else in their business and that's why You also should start building Your list and sending all the traffic to lead capture pages to start building Your own database of potential customers. You also can start new marketing campaigns to the same list again and again and You don't have to pay for it anymore.

What do You need to Build Your own list?

There is not much. Only 3 components:

1. Email marketing software.

The email marketing software is created for internet marketers and businesses to capture leads, build up the database and send out Your marketing emails to all customers at once. Can You think about sending out emails one by one to 1,000 contacts? What is if You have a database of 10,000? You'll need months to send out one single letter to everybody. But email marketing software sends out one single letter automatically. Your only concern is write the message and push the "send" button. There is one more really valuable function in this email marketing software - autoresponder. Autoresponder means, that as soon a person subscribes to Your list, the software will automatically send out Your rewritten emails with the interval You set up. This helps fully automate Your business and saves You lots of time (what is more valuable than the money).

2. Lead capture page - called Squeeze Pages and Landing Pages

Having access to the email marketing software is not enough. You also need webpages, where You can show Your subscription forms created by the software and where to send all Your traffic. For this purpose are used landing pages and squeeze pages ( You can find the meaning of those words in Wiki). The task of those pages is to make people subscribe to Your lists. Well, don't worry. You will not need to pay for hosting or someone, who can make You those pages. The easiest way to create squeeze pages and landing pages for Your email marketing need is to use MyFBB (full name "My Free Business Builder"). This site is 100% free to use and You can create as many pages You'll ever need (You can register here). With this marketing tool You can create a lead capturing page in few minutes. Now after You have created Your lead capturing page and added the special code for web form (fields, where a person can type email address and other personal data, if needed) to the page, You only need to ...

3. send all the traffic (leads) to those lead capture pages.

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