YahooLots of search engines are on the web and Yahoo is one of them and we all know that each search engine has their own algorithm for ranking sites in search engine results. So, SEO have to use various numbers of optimization techniques so that websites will rank higher on multiple search engines. So, each of these search engines various details must be given attention. So, there will be some strong keywords used in Meta descriptions, site title, tags and back links are extremely essential to Google ranking. There are four vital things for yahoo that you require to be addressed such as site structure, keyword density, aging and back links.

As we all know that keyword density is difficult to nail down but it certainly does not mean keyword filling. Search engines penalized such websites. For those who are working in Internet Marketing, this is an area which should be under constant scrutiny. The optimal density is determined by type of site and industry. You can check some competitor’s sites and their ranking in the results which is one of the best ways to get an idea of proper keyword density. For an example, if you are building a website for whom who does some form of home remodeling then you have to check out some home remodeling websites in order to get idea and see how they rank in Yahoo search results.

So, if you want to optimize your website then your main goal is keyword density which preferred by Yahoo! The search engine yahoo puts its more importance on site structure than any of the other major search engines. Mainly, there are two main reasons behind having an organized site structure. First is it resolves the order the page content is viewed and what content has the highest priority. Content which appears higher in the page code is given more value as compare to the content that located lower down in the code. Secondly, the good website structure will be decreased in code. SEO

If you reduce in the code then it will help you to push the content high and high on the page and it will be given more weight by the search engine. Relevant and applicable back links help your site to increase its quality as with the other major search engines. So, it is one common area that Yahoo is pretty similar to Google. Mainly, there are four aspects of back links which considered by Yahoo when it ranking the sites. First is the quality of the link. When it comes to optimize the website for yahoo, you have to look at if the website ranks well with Yahoo for related phrases in order to consider the value of a link.

For search engines, the position of your link on a page is also most important. The value of your link increase when your link is situated at the top of a page rather than at the bottom. In the search engine results, aging of website can bring a delay. Yes, it is also true that it take some time to build some website’s reputation and to gather various relevant links to the site. Well, the search engine Yahoo is not rigorous on age delay as the Google is. Generally, it takes minimum 3 to 4 months to get your website established.

NOTE: This article is posted by SEO Firm  Blurbpoint.

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