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E-commerce Development by Magento?

How is Magento Better for Development and Designing of an E-commerce Based Store?
25 answer(s).

What is the name of your Favorite Teacher?

31 answer(s).

Cure for Cancer Possibility?

Is it possible to cure cancer completely?
41 answer(s).

Frauds in financial systems?

Since last two days we are reading about a particular fraud happening in banking sector in India. Obviously the flaws are being exploited by the people who know the system very well . In view of...
5 answer(s).

How Can I Buy A New Home in Texas ?

53 answer(s).

How did you spend your Valentine's Day?

53 answer(s).

What are you doing on this Valentines Day 2018?

15 answer(s).

Facebook TV commercial.... what do you think?

Have you recently seen Facebook TV commercial? What is your opinion about it? Their popularity is declining? Their popularity is steady and they want to grab huge market in small time? Any other view...
7 answer(s).

What is crowd funding?

Hi, I just now the word crowdfunding . Can one explain whether it can be used to collect aid for patients in need? I have come across a situation where one of our college mate is admitted to hospital...
8 answer(s).

Which stream in engineering is one must look to join?

19 answer(s).