Social media marketing is a continuous process of getting more and more visitors to the particular website. It may also include marketing of product using social media sites. Social media marketing simply refers that social sites link back to or redirects users to target sites. The term social media marketing was originated and used in early 2006 since Facebook and other social networking sites came into existance.
Because of the wide use of social network, it is worth to publish your service or product on the social media. World’s top most social sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ etc. Social media allows people to share their idea, images, videos, events and many other activities. Social media and search engine marketing are closely related to each other, so people do care about social media before getting into the online marketing. You can get feedback from the user on the social media regarding the associated service or product. But from the few years the social media marketing is failing and there are lot factors that affect the social media marketing, which are as follows.

The very first reason why social media marketing is failing is that people are measuring and making strategies to getting likes and shares on Facebook but it could not directly affect the marketing of products. Marketers are placing wrong content at the wrong place with the poor execution of the content. But the top marketing companies know where to find the exact user with related content. There are approximately more than half of the world’s generation use social media. Many social media marketers not know the right audience for their content and this causes the failure of their social media marketing. If you want to proceed further on social media and get succeed then you have to hit the correct audiences which relates with the products/services provided by you.

Second reason for failure of social media marketing is that the people are consistently making strategies about shares on Facebook and making a page on it. It looks very limited marketing strategy because social media is more than Facebook. Many social advertisers place their whole content on the Facebook and play with the pages, likes and shares on it without planning or thinking about the other social networks. Facebook is not the whole social media it is only small piece of the social media.You should not measure your success by the number of likes and shares on Facebook or counting followers on the Twitter. Rather, you should get the consumer or viewers feedback on the comment section and work on the suggested feedback. 

Third reason for social media marketing is strategy. Fresh marketing individuals get into the social media marketing with very limited experience which causes their failure in the largest marketing field. Even the experienced ones are not using any strategy and plan. In the current age, social media marketing also require proper marketing business plan and strategy to succeed on the social media platform. A real time analysis of the digital marketing allows advertisers to know what is in the trend and more importantly what is not.

Author Note: Social media marketing is a big opportunity for any business person or organization to promote his/her work, products and skills. The only thing is that one must learn to use it wisely and effectively. For this we have many companies, which provide effective and result oriented Social media marketing solutions.

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