"An Encounter with Yeshua" by Isabelle Esling is a love story.
In her 9th book, the author depicts her extraordinary encounter with Yeshua our Messiah. While she was facing a difficult life situation, in July 2014, one evening, as she expected it least, Yeshua came to Isabelle and offered her His grace.

An Encounter with Yeshua tells the story of the author's Salvation and unveils precious daily spiritual experiences with our Lord.

'"An Encounter with Yeshua" is all about Yeshua, says Isabelle. The whole focus of this book is on the main hero: our Lord and Savior. To Him I would like to give all the glory."

An Encounter with Yeshua's birthing is an amazing adventure. Everything is extraordinary about this book. Before writing it, Isabelle spent 3 weeks in prayer, asking our Lord to be able to write something that would fully represent Him.
Yeshua answered her prayer. One evening, she began typing 9 full pages. It was the beginning of a great venture. The author, who had published other books before, admits that lending our Messiah her feather had completely challenged her writing experience.

" Nothing was planned in advance. Yeshua provided a story for each day, for each night, for each instant", Isabelle recalls.

An Encounter with Yeshua is aimed at anybody who is curious to know more about Yeshua our Messiah and His amazing love.

The good news is also that it is totally FREE in e-book format.

Get your copy!

May our Lord and Savior bless you in abundance through your read.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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