Who, or what, is God to you?
Had you ever expressed doubts about God?
Have you ever desperately needed God's help?

I already needed!
by 3 times:

- run down by a car,
- drowned,
- electrocuted.

The first time, I walked by the side of the road, with my back towards the traffic, when a bus came very quickly at high speed approaching me and made me twirl around like an unprotected spinning top. 
Luckily I managed to drop me and twirling attraction force by the wall during metres until i was completely immobilized on the ground without having time to ask God for help. 
Anyway, I think that He was always there beside me.

The second time, almost died drowned at the beach, when I went into the water without realizing that the flag was red. Anyway, I just wanted to wet myself a bit without going swimming. 
But a strong sea current unbalance me and took me out. As I have muscle problems, I didn't have the strength to swim back. 
Quickly I lost my strength and I was carried away by the churning water against the rocks of the black rocky pontoon. This time i had time to ask for the help of God and believe it or not, in seconds the best lifeguard Joseph, who the day before was at home, in a situation with such severity, was the only lifeguard able to save someone on that kind of situations.

The third time, electrocuted, also was a terrible experience. I was at my parent's House in my bedroom, trying to make an electrical connection to the tape player through a battery. 
One time I forgot to disconnect the plug from the power socket. Was when I put the electric wire in my mouth to boot, then I held it in my right hand. Immediately I heard in my head and all over the body, an horrible sound never heard before. My whole body trembled incessantly during ... several seconds and I realized I was in shock and clung to power. 
I tried with the other hand pull the electric wire that had entered in my right index finger, but I was completely immobilized and stuck to the ground. 
I tried to call for my mother who was in the living room, but my voice was very weak and prey. 
Was when I heard far away the voice of my mother to ask if I wanted to eat? She realized that something wrong was happening and walked in the direction of my room.
When she was already opening the door, the box with the battery I had upon my lap jumped and fell with bang on the ground taking with it the damn electric wire that immediately went out of my finger. 
You do not imagine the sound ... as if it were a machine to shut down. I lost my move sitting in bed, with the body still shaking, eyes wide open and with my bare feet on the floor. 
When, some time later, I managed to explain to my mother, she didn't want to believe what could have happened to both of us. 
I don't know if I asked for God's Help or not, but I know that if I put the box on my bed, maybe I was not here now telling you all this.

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