I recently got project for promotion of a dating website.Usually it would be easy to promote it. But these is the special one.It is for bisexual oriented users.So far  I did not make progres.Well it is my first day and a first hour.I hope that I will find a way to promote it succsesfully. I supose that there will be signups but behind the closed doors.So far I get answers like ,,Sorry ,I am not interested ''Good luck to me....
Anyway I will for sure provide you link if you are interested with total discretion ofcourse :)This site has been designed exclusively to cater to the needs of bisexual singles and bi-curious couples.

If you are a person who appreciates the beauty of both men and women, and love a person regardless of gender, then you have every reason to check out this site and take advantage of all the services. This website isn't of the “hook-up” types, instead it aims at helping people make friends and eventually establish a romantic relationship.

So, what are you waiting for? Join this community today for free and get in touch with like – minded people, send emails, read blogs, participate in forum discussions and check out dating tips written by industry experts.

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