It maybe pretty difficult for some of us to imagine the complex reality that explains and defines man, as a result we have seen a number of theories coming from a variety of sources, of how man came into being and now exist. Some are worthy of thought and much discussion, whilst others are mere speculation for imaginary flirtation, and lies in our desire to find ourselves but all in the wrong direction.

It is no secret that there is and indeed must be some supreme order of existence for the universe to be suspended in form and sequence as we know it today; the question is, who or what is that existence? Without being too religious but definitely spiritual I can say boldly that this is the base of all life and indeed the spirit being that is man. Who or what is responsible for this divine order that is called life?

Let's look at the source of knowledge and great wisdom; the Bible, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, all He did was speak the Word and what he said came into being. Then in Genesis 2 and 7 it says: "And The Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and  breathed into His nostrils The Breath of Life, and man became a living soul."

The significance of this scripture shows how man came into being, and if God is a spirit; which He is, then what He breathed into man was the Spirit of Life. It stands to reason therefore that if man is tripartite meaning, body spirit and soul, then the real you is not really who you see in the mirror, but rather the inner being who determines what the outer man looks like.

Have you ever wondered why when you spend time in a particular place whether it be a room or a car, even after you have not been there for a while and someone enters, they can somehow identify an odour or a presence like yours? Or maybe you lost a loved one and for some time after they have gone, you can swear they were still there?

There is a reason for all of that and it simply is a matter of how strong the person's spirit was when they were alive. If you want to bring the real you to the fore, then you need to come to terms with the spiritual part of your life; build a relationship with the greatest Spirit alive. The Spirit of The Living God. Then and only then can the real purpose for the real you being here can become clear and concise.

It is in finding the true source of all existence that we can  find the real peace we seek each day, it is in growing familiar with the Master of the universe, that we can become better citizens of planet earth. The real you awaits that marvelous connection with it's maker, do not deprive yourself of this the greatest discovery of all our lives, it is time to get real. 

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