Incense is too often mistaken as an alternative to air fresheners and odor eaters, but that is far from the truth. Incense indeed does have the ability to mask odors and ad a pleasant fragrance has limited the powerful stick to a simple household product. Too many people fail to understand that the burning of an incense stick does so much more for a person's physical and spiritual body.

Too many people do not fully appreciate the benefits of incense simply because they are unaware of all the benefits it can provide. It is especially beneficial to those that may feel out of balance and may be struggling with their emotions or spirituality. For so many years, especially in the monasteries, the burning of incense has been able to enhance concentration. The use of specific incense like sandalwood can help create a state of awareness in an area of instability.

The purification of the air that occurs from incense does much more than make the air smell cleaner. With the antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of incense and it will help create a healthier environment and aid in the elimination of negative energy. When negative energy is eliminated, people will find themselves in a calmer yet surprisingly energized state of consciousness. An atmosphere created by burning incense can be a helpful, medication free option for those that suffer from, anxiety, insomnia and depression.

A more sterile environment can also prevent infections of the body. The antibacterial properties will cleanse the air of germs and airborne bacteria. The burning of certain incense has been found to be nearly as strong as other conventional methods of purification. The incense stick is still a better option since it is a chemical free option of clearing the atmosphere. One very popular incense that has many medicinal properties is Frankincense, there are many scientific studies and done and written on treasured resin.

When the right incenses are paired or burned together, a positive synergy is completely unavoidable. The right blends will create the ultimate stabilizer that will create the perfect atmosphere for spiritual enrichment and growth. Some common and well known incense that are burned together include frankincense and myrrh, lavender and vanilla, and sandalwood which blend well with many other aromatic ingredients. Depending on the benefits that a person wants to attain, it is very possible to mix and match different types of incenses until the right combination is found.

To ensure that the right incense or the right combination of incenses works best requires a bit of trial and error, but which can be quite enjoyable. You can ask you incense dealer for samples or there are many brands that sell a variety package of their fragrances. While burning each stick, a person should be conscience of their feelings and emotions throughout the duration of the burning in order to understand which fragrance is best suited for him or her.

It is very important to buy pure incense that is untainted. There are several on the market that utilize imitation fragrance and aromas. This type of product may contain potently harmful chemicals that cannot be considered healthy for either the spiritual or our physical body. These can usually be avoided by finding an established provider of Incense and staying from very cheap and bulk packaged incense.

There are also other methods of burning incense. The stick form is the most economical and the easiest to use. A person can choose to have incense in the form of a cylinder, cone or in loose form.

With the global commerce there is a whole wide world of wonderful, healthful, pleasing and sometimes sensual incense products readily available these days.

Peace!  Roger Marlow  Google

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